Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear McCall, You're Marvelous

Father/son bonding on the way to the lake.

Emerging from the "secret" pathway we took each day
on our walk downtown.

Payette Lake

The trusty grandkid-haulin' wagon.

Miss Moo.

Surely this photo doesn't do this
 sunset justice - what a spectacular site!


Enjoying the Relaxation Station.

Laurel's little friend.

"Put up yer dukes!"

Strike a pose.

Just a random statue at the park near the lake.

Perfect for a little photo-op.

The fox went out on the town one night.

Family photos - it's tradition!

Little Hill - just a few miles outside of town.

Brundage Mountain

Another tradition - check out the local ski areas.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Elwoods Unite

Starlight, star bright.

Bear Lake!

While Brodi may have been the only one caught "on film"
 snoozing at the beach, the fact is there were plenty
of others who caught some zzz's as well.

Sand castle extraordinaires!

Waiting for the Minnetonka Cave tour.

Waiting patiently ...

Ready for some cave bacon!

The wonders inside Minnetonka.

Corn dog, corn dog, you are so good to me!

Can't visit Bear Lake without
 a stop at LaBeau's!

Final activity: hot dog roast at Grandpa and Grandma's.

Entertainer Emmy at the campfire.