Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lady Grizzlies

Gregg told me to take the camera this week while I was visiting Logan so I could take some "action shots" at Ky and Meg's basketball games.  I did my best, but I've come to realize that action shots are a lot harder to capture than still lifes.  (I didn't just come to this realization - it was only reinforced on this trip.)  Anyway, it was fun to practice, but even more fun to be able to watch my little sisters on the court (even if they lost all three games, which was kinda sad).

So . . . here's the action I caught on "film":

Thinking (?)
Coaching / cheering

These next four photos show Shuweii at the free throw line:


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winterfest at Beaver Creek

Beaver Creek Resort put on a big Winterfest during December and we decided to check out a few of the (free) events: An ice sculpture demonstration in the plaza on the 26th and a Torchlight Ski Run followed by a grand fireworks display on the 31st.

When we got there, he was just finishing up this penguin.
He used a torch to melt off the outer layer of ice to make the
sculpture shiny and clear.
A finished frosty.
And a 200+ lb block of ice that will
become a frosty before our eyes.
This dude knows how to use a chainsaw.
The sculpting took longer than it probably
could have because he stopped every
few minutes to carve some lucky child's
name in a scrap block of ice.
A whole swarm of groomers getting the snow ready for the Glow
Worm and Torchlight skiiers to come down the mountain.
Happy New Year!  (A little early, because not long after this photo
was snapped, our camera battery died and we didn't bring a spare!)

Squaw Creek Trail

Oh what do you do on Christmas Eve, when there's lots of snow around? Go snowshoeing of course.


Blanchard "Christmas Eve" Festivities

We partied with the Blanchard bunch on Sunday, December 18th and pretended like it was Christmas Eve. After church, we skyped with the VA Blanchards:

We donned costumes and performed in the 2nd annual Blanchard Family Nativity:

And we opened gifts (though only the parents seem to have photographic evidence of such):