Saturday, November 30, 2013

Photos from Phones - November 2013 Round Up

I have tons of random photos of Callie on my phone and they never get seen by anyone (including me) unless I text them to someone.  But I don't always text them and sometimes it's only one or two lucky folks who gets a happy Callie picture message.  So I decided to make a little round up of said photos and post them in a gigantic photo dump each month.

I wish I would have decided to do this after one or even two months of her life rather than waiting till the end of November when she's nearly six months old (that's a LOT of pictures, by the way).  But, alas, I did not.  I did, however, "schedule" each monthly round up as if it had been posted on the last day of each month, so you may or may not have them show up in your list of new posts from me.  So feel free to check out the round ups here from June, July, August, September and October for a quick recap of the life of Cal.  

Note that not all these pics came from my phone - many are from Gregg's or stolen from other family members (thanks fam!). And some aren't from phones at all; I've included a few that I took with my actual fancy-pants camera that I thought fit in the the theme of random-photos-that-didn't-quite-merit-their-own-post-but-still-ought-to-have-some-view-time.

Phew.  That was a lot wordier than I intended to be to explain this whole shenanigan.  Let's look at some pics from November, shall we?



















More round ups here: October | September | August | July | June

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Five Senses

Five months Callie-style looks a little like this:
> big smiles and chubby cheeks and sparkly eyes
> slobber (always slobber) on her chinny chin chin
> toe munching in the evenings during "kicking time"

Five months Callie-style sounds a little like this:
> squealing and shrieking (happily) and the hollow thumping of her little feet kicking the mattress in her crib after she wakes up
> giggling (more like courtesy laughing) at her parents' vain attempts at 5-month-old humor
> crazy splashing (involving all arms and legs - at the same time) during baths

Five months Callie-style feels a little like this:
> oh-so soft skin to nibble and kiss on
> a fuzzy head nuzzling into your neck again (we had a couple month hiatus on this due to her thinking she was big stuff and wanting to hold her head up all. the. time.)
> little pinches and scratches and pulled hair that are quite surprising (and surprisingly painful)

Five months Callie-style tastes a little like this:
> mostly breast milk, morning, noon and night
> a taste or two of rice, oatmeal and squash (until the parents backed off due to tiny tummy troubles)
> absolutely NO bottles (Cal's choice) but a newfound (as of yesterday, so far) love of the sippy cup (even when it had formula inside - shocking!)

Five months Callie-style smells a little like this:
> whiffs of Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath when she is unwrapped from her swaddle or when you kiss her head
> slightly sour spit-up spots on her shirts
> shockingly potent farts and poops from that tiny, squishy bum

Watch Callie grow: 4 months | 3 months | 2 months | birth