A little list for you . . . because it's been a while and because Sam is now two months old! If that doesn't deserve a list, I don't know what does. The adjustment to having Sam in our family has been smoother than I ever thought would be possible. We are so happy and grateful he's around.
13 Things You Should Know About Sam Now That He is (Already!!) Two Months Old
1. Sam is a champion sleeper - he falls asleep in the middle of the floor, on the couch next to me, in his bouncer seat, in his car seat (in or out of the car), in the front carrier . . . with or without a swaddle and/or bink. It. is. AMAZING. To top it all off with heaping spoonful of AWESOME SAUCE, he's been sleeping for 6ish hours in a row for his first stretch most nights the past couple of weeks. Who is this kid and is he related to our firstborn?! All I can say is I'm so so so so grateful!
2. Sam's big, full-mouth, gummy smiles are simply the best. I especially love it when we make eye contact while he is eating and his face crinkles into a grin. #meltmyheart
Of course, when I try to do a little 2-month photo shoot, this is
the best smile I can get out of dozens of photos. |
But luckily I've got a few shots of his to-die-for smile from other days. |
3. He loves having his head rubbed. If he isn't smiling already, just give his little noggin a good rub and you should get a big, gummy grin in no time.
4. Sam is finding his voice these days. He's got the sweetest little goos and coos. And when he gets really excited that someone is talking to him, he'll let out a little squeal of delight that is too cute for words.
5. He is the most patient little guy. I didn't know babies could be "patient" but that's the only word I can think of to describe him. He'll just wait in his bouncer seat while I'm finishing something in the kitchen or taking care of Cal. He puts up with a lot of schlepping from home to car to store to library to car to home to stroller to front carrier. (And then he falls asleep.) After spending most of Callie's first three months either bouncing her on a big red ball or holding her asleep in the recliner, this behavior from a baby is just revolutionary.
Speaking of patient - you've gotta be when you've got a big sister
like Cal. Here she is doing her own photo shoot (with props). |
Sam and his other sister, Minnie. |
6. Sometimes he would rather just sit in his bouncer seat instead of being cuddled. This makes me a little sad when I especially want to snuggle him (and Callie isn't asking me to put him down to hold her instead). But it also makes me glad when I have other things that just need to be done (see #4).
7. He can produce man-sized boogers in his tiny button nose. We have a morning (and sometimes additional times of the day, as needed) ritual of sucking them out with the famous blue syringe. He's not crazy about the process, but I find it very rewarding (should I be admitting this?) . . . and he's much happier when he can breathe so we do what we must.
8. Sam's neck muscles are getting stronger and he can hold his head up pretty well while in a sitting position or during tummy time. While he's in burping position he really demonstrates his strength and stands straight up over my shoulder.
9. Sam is growing great - his doctor said he's got the "most consistent growth curve I've ever seen!" at his two-month appointment last week. His latest stats are weight of 11 lbs 14 oz (46th percentile), length of 23.5 inches (77th percentile), and head circumference of 39.5 cm (64th percentile). He's wearing 0-3 month clothes mostly (though his little church suit is 3-6 months) and size 1 diapers (that I think we'll switch up to 2s with the next package we buy).
10. Sam's hair is starting to grow back where it rubbed/fell out earlier - mostly along his hairline above his forehead and his sideburns. It's coming in brown again.
11. He's a grunter. Not a lot of crying from this one, but definitely a lot of grunting in these first few weeks.
12. Sam will drink from a bottle! Pumped breast milk and/or formula! Without any problem! (Again, who is this kid?)
13. He has the most beautiful, bright, blue, sparkly eyes.
Not the best pic to show his sparkly baby
blues so you'll just have to take my word
for it. |