We've had a goal for a while (since we lived in Colorado before Cal was born!) to try hiking a different trail every day of the (work)week. We've started an attempt many times, but something always kept us from finishing strong - rain, appointments, lack of planning, heat, cranky babies (excuses, excuses, excuses!) Well, we finally did it! August 15-19 became our week to finally bag that elusive goal: five hikes in five weeks! Now, before you think that we are completely amazing (or completely nuts) just note that most of these hikes were the kind where we just walked on a trail until one of the kiddos had had enough. We didn't get to any noteworthy destinations or climb to the top of any extremely high peaks or even trek very many miles. But, we were on dirt every evening that week (even with the balloon festival one evening and a later than expected departure after activity days on another). And I'm pretty proud of that. My other favorite thing? These were all brand new trails to us and they were all basically in the valley. Heck yes!
Monday: Skyline Trail
We started at the trailhead on the southwest end of Pineview (parked in the parking lot and crossed the highway to the trail). This was a great one - lots of shade and a gradual incline, with fun views of the lake and the dam and the mouth of Ogden Canyon. We just hiked for a while and turned around at a spot we picked out fifty yards away ("let's turn around when we reach that bend" type thing).
There's a lot of leapfrogging that goes on
when Cal is hiking with you. |
A look back at the reservoir behind us. |
A good spot for a rest. |
Attempt numero uno at a group shot on the way back down. |
A step into the shade - that's better! |
Yes, Sam is falling asleep right before your very eyes.
(It became something of a trend.) |
Poor fellow. |
Tuesday: Middle Fork
We were afraid of getting caught in a little thunderstorm, but it ended up blowing over and we still got out for a quick little hike. We just picked the trail that goes to the right after the big gate at the end of the parking lot and wandered along it for a while. Nice and flat, this one is the only one Cal hiked the entire time (really, perhaps a mileish round trip) (and only because we made her). (But she did it!)
Don't let the scowl fool you. He really is a champ
as far as being content in that backpack goes. |
So. Much. Drool!! |
Wednesday: Ogden Canyon Overlook
This one starts in Snowbasin Resort. It was the only hike we actually completed by reaching the end of the trail and seeing something awesome at our destination (I mean, the others were awesome and beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it was nice to finish a hike). It did mean that we were pushing our standard bedtimes back to complete, but it was worth it. I think we figured it was about five and a quarter miles round trip. (We didn't really know anything about it going in, so it was mostly a surprise to us as we were hiking!) Definitely an uphill hike, but it wasn't ever super steep - just a nice, even, gradual climb to a pretty cool overlook into the canyon. I was expecting to see Pineview, but we were over just enough that we didn't even see the road in the bottom of the canyon. In the distance we could see Ogden, and 12th street coming out of the canyon, but looking down from the overlook we just saw more forest and cliffs. It was great. It was also the most populated hike (with other hikers and lots of mountain bikers) we were on hands down. (We were passed by one other biker on all the other hikes combined!) But everyone was friendly, and we had someone to snap our photo at the top, so it was fine. We can't wait to try this one again in the fall with the leaves at their peak, only next time we plan to take the right fork at the saddle to Sardine Peak to see what that view looks like. This was the highlight of the week for us.
Looking back over to the resort. |
First group shot - not quite halfway, probably. |
At the top. We almost were there for sunset time, but
figured if we stayed to watch we'd be back way too late for
bedtime. Plus we'd have to hike back in the dark. Both bad ideas.
So we enjoyed the view anyway. |
The one night he doesn't fall asleep . . . and we thought for sure
he would! |
They were laughing at each other in the
homestretch. (It was really hard to get on camera,
but it was dang cute!) |
Thursday: Wolf Canyon
I admit I was pretty tired after Wednesday's hike. Cal was pretty cranky and not thrilled about going out again on another hike. Sam was tired, though fairly chipper. We picked something short. We had hiked part of this trail before, earlier in the spring, but we turned around very prematurely that time because there was a big storm threatening and lots of fresh what we guess were moose tracks on the trail. We didn't feel like meeting either thing out on the trail then so we booked it back to the car. This time it was dry as a bone, but we also took the turn that headed upwards instead of downwards like last time. So that was the new part. When we got to someone's abandoned campsite we turned around to head home. We have no idea how far we went or where this trail even goes if you keep hiking it. It actually seems like it's an old road. The trailhead is partway up the road to Powder Mountain, just off to the side in a wide spot. There is a big sign there though, so it must be somethin'. And it gave us a cool view of the valley from a different angle than we're used to.
Back in the saddle again. |
Tell us how you really feel, buddy. |
Don't let my grumpy face fool you - I do enjoy hiking! |
I don't do well with Cal on my shoulders, so piggy back it is. |
Aaaaannd . . . he's out. |
Poor dude. |
Gregg calls this the broken neck position.
Poor dude indeed. |
Friday: No Name off Viking Drive
We needed something quick on Friday. Mostly so we could say we did the dang thing and finished our five in five. And partly because Cal was really over the whole hiking every day thing. But also because we had lots of other plans that evening. We made our traditional Friday Night Pizza and watched our weekly episodes of Phineas and Ferb while we at it. Then we bopped out to try this trail that Gregg had noticed on a bike ride up near Nordic Valley. I still don't know if it was truly legal to be hiking on this steep, steep dirt road, but we did it. And we snapped a pic with a great view looking over the Valley toward Liberty. And then we booked it back down. It was by far our shortest hike, but it got our hearts going with the steepness, so that made up for miles for sure. When we finished we headed back home and loaded up the kids in the stroller to go peruse the booths and bounce houses at the balloon festival at the park. Full day. Full week. Check!