We had a very fun visit from the Wihongi cousins (and Auntie Heather, of course) from August 7th-10th. It was supposed to be, and actually started out as, a trip for all the Utah cousins and their moms. Unfortunately, after traveling most of the day (they had made it to Grand Junction for lunch), they discovered that Miss Melia had a very high fever (she had already thrown up in the car early into the trip, but they thought it was just car sickness - turns out it wasn't). So as not to infect Baby Cal, they decided it would be best for Laurel and her two kiddos to head back home. So Heather and the boys turned the van around and headed back to Utah, where they met Bret in Green River to pick up Laurel and Cohen and Melia.. Then the Wihongis headed back our direction, arriving much later than anticipated, but not any worse for the wear. We then proceeded to spend a couple of rather simple, lazy, but fun-filled, days together. The boys adored their newest cousin and Callie was quite taken with her two handsome admirers.
(Again, I've been less than stellar at photo-taking while visitors are around, so I'm glad Heather snapped a few for me to steal and post.)
Dray would jump up periodically throughout the day to check
on Cal, announcing to everyone whether she was awake,
asleep, making a face, etc, etc. |
Callie loved watching Kage - wherever he was and whatever he was doing, her eyes were on him. |
Charming Miss Callie - showing off for her audience. |
Snuggles with Auntie Heather. |
I call this photo "Wake Up Cal" since Callie and Gregg were enlisted to wake the boys up early Saturday morning to head back home. They jumped right out of bed when they heard Callie was in the room. |
We are sooooo sad that things didn't work out as planned, but we'll be meeting you soon, Callie Girl!! And that 3rd photo absolutely melts my heart.