Gregg's brother, Ryan, happened to be in Salt Lake over Easter weekend for a quick (48 hours quick) last minute trip home to visit the fam before he heads off on new adventures in Belgium. We rarely get to see him since he lives on the East coast, and it's likely the visits will be even rarer with him living in Europe, so we decided to head west for the weekend and spend some time with the Blanch Herd. We left home on Friday afternoon, spent all day Saturday and half of Sunday with the family, and were back home in our beds Sunday night. What a fun-filled (and car-filled) couple of days we had!
Pit stop in Green River for some, shall we say, "airing out". |
I just couldn't resist! |
After diaper and clothes were changed, Cal had
a little snack . . . |
. . . and then spent some time on the playground. |
The swings were pretty great. |
Utah is kinda pretty - even the "boring" part between
Green River and Price. |
On Saturday morning we got to witness some
epic soccer matches - Dray, here, was a champ. |
Right after Dray's game ended, we hurried over to
watch Kage in his 2nd game of the morning. His team
dominated despite being tired from their earlier match
(which they also won). And Kage even scored a goal! |
Back home we went for a tasty Easter brunch. We had to
sample the muffins before the meal started - they smelled
and tasted so good! |
Easter egg hunt for the kiddies. (Cohen was napping at
this point.) |
She liked the eggs alright, but what was really cool was
the crunchy bag! |
Eggs for everyone! (Cal was only sad during this exact
moment because her mean old mom tried to get a piece of
tinfoil from a reese's egg out of her mouth - the nerve!) |
The boys shootin' the breeze. |
Brothers - can you tell? ;) |
Waiting for our Trax train to take us downtown for dinner on
Saturday evening. |
Dinner at Siegfried's (a German deli)
was the bomb! |
The spread - Reuben sandwich, wienersnitzel, rotkohl,
sauerkraut, warm potato salad, borsch, and some pastries
for dessert. We all shared bites to get the full experience. |
Best Reuben sandwich EVER. |
Snuggling with Uncle Ryan on the train ride home. |
Sunday morning smiles. We all went to church at Gregg's
sister Heather's ward where she happened to be
speaking . . . about families, no less. Pretty neat. |
Callie in her pretty purple Easter dress. |
Getting ready to go home after lunch - saying goodbye to
cousin Melia. |
The original Herd -
Heather, Gregg, Paul, Kim, Ryan and Laurel. |
Another stop at the same park in Green River
for dinner on the way home. This time we
were all bundled a bit more than two days
prior due to the wind and rain that came
through right as we stopped. |
It was a bit of a whirlwind trip, but I'm so glad we went. There's really nothing better than spending time with family! And Callie was a most amazing traveller, to boot. We are truly blessed!
Here's to more road trips in the future! Family is a great reason to do quick trips for!
ReplyDeleteI am soooooooooo glad that you guys were able to drop everything and come "home". It was an absolutely wonderful weekend!!! Callie, you deserve an award for being such a good traveler and so charming with everyone!!