Saturday July 2nd was the perfect morning for a little Dirt Road Drive adventure. We packed a picnic lunch and buckled everyone into the car and set out with a general idea of where we'd end up. Spoiler alert: we did end up where we initially thought (Hardware Ranch via
Ant Flat Road (zoom in if you need to see more details)) but then we just kept driving. In the end we found ourselves popping out into civilization in Randoph and enjoying our picnic in a great little park there. We came back home by way of the highway. It was a fun little exploration, but I don't know if we could follow the same route again if we tried. There are lots and lots and lots of little dirt roads back there and every "major" intersection we came to had different names of destinations on the signs, even before we ever arrived at the first one. I do want to go back, though, and take the turn to Laketown. It's been a while since I've been through Round Valley and I'd love to go back.
Partway through we came upon some sheep. |
Quite a lot of sheep, actually. |
We rolled the windows down and took it slow and enjoyed the sounds of the sheep bleating as we drove by. |
bonus video:
Fun rides at the park. |
Handsome fella. |
I think he was teasing me. |
Long hair don't care. |
Lunchin'. |
Swingin'. |
I took a stroll over to see the old church across the street from the park. |
Pretty unique, really. We also visited the home of Wilford Woodruff which was also across the street from the park. That was cool, too. (But I didn't take any pictures.) |
What a fun drive! I'm glad you picked roads that the Subaru could handle - from what I understand from my mapping crew some of them are questionable. Also, I always thought it was funny that Wilford Woodruff's home is in Randolph...and not Woodruff.