For Sam's first birthday, we invited his grandparents and any aunts, uncles and cousins who could make the trip to join us for a pasta bar dinner and birthday cake. Everyone gathered at our house around five that evening and we feasted on
Lemon Broccoli Chicken Pasta, spaghetti and rotini pasta with your choice of
Creamy Garlic Alfredo sauce or homemade marinara with ground beef (recipe coming soon to a blog near you),
Spinach Salad, bruschetta, and fresh cantaloupe. Deeelish! I chose Sam's birthday meal since he's not quite old enough to pick, but he is a fan of noodles. He gobbled up the lemon pasta like a champ. (And we had so many leftovers we ate pasta for the rest of the week while Gregg was gone to Colorado on a work trip. Bonus!)

After we all had our fill of the grub, we gathered in the big room for presents. Sam got quite the haul of cars, trucks, balls and blocks to keep him busy for the next year. (He also got a new carseat - a big boy one - that he was not interested in opening, thus no pictures. Take note, however, that he does seem to enjoy it just fine in the car, though we'll wait another year for him to get the real thrill of forward facing in it.)
Opening up that first gift (and Cal can't help
helping a bit). |
First present, a fun car set from Aunties Ky-Ky and Mugs. |
Side note: this kid and his drooling issues. I need to start calling him Slobber Sam. |
So. Much. Slobber. |
Posing with Gpa and Gma Blanchard (and Cal had to join in for
the photo-op) with the fun ball twirl tower and wooden airplane
toys he got from them. |
So many presents, so many people. |
Getting some help from Auntie Ky-Ky with a present from
Gma and Gpa Elwood - a cool car and a new Sunday outfit. |
Also some fun stacking boxes from the Elwood grandparents. |
Glad to see the toys get Big Sister's approval, too. |
Lots of people to love on our little guy. |
We were even lucky enough to have the two
newest members of the extended Elwood fam
come down for the party. Here, Cal is holding
new baby cousin Bradley. |
Cal was a great helper when it came to candle blowing. |
A milestone day for Gma and Gpa Elwood: all five grandbabies
on one couch! |
Evelyn, Callie, Bradley, Grace and Samuel. |
I think they like 'em. |
What a fun party for a fun birthday boy. We're sure grateful for the family support to celebrate our favorite little guy. Hip-hip-hooray!
That was a fun evening! Little Sam is growing up! Thanks for the fun and a great boy to be grandparents to.