Gregg had been watching the thermometer all week as each morning started out colder than the one before. By Friday the 13th it was 24 degrees when he woke up, and that meant the snowmaker came out for a little morning mist magic. The kids loved watching the snow falling, but their favorite part was the "snowboarding" once it was ready. In past years Gregg said he wouldn't let anyone touch the pristine snow-covered ground, in order to keep it perfect-looking longer. But he was out there in it with the kids this time. And that is the mark of a good dad, right there. :)
We realized that this was the earliest snowmaking date in at least as long as I've been a part of it. And that meant that it happened pre-daylight savings time ending. Which means the sun took forever to get up high enough to get the cool light effects though the blowing snow. Also, we still have leaves on our trees. It's a late year for them. Interesting combo of circumstances all around. |
She's ready! |
I can't tell who is happier in this picture. :D |
Seeing these photos makes all those nights of snowmaking when he was a teenager so worth! it so fun!!