Monday, June 14, 2021

Callie's Star Cookies

Cal participated in a fun little children's business fair at Eden Park on 21 May. She read about it in the Ogden Valley News and saw a banner hanging on the fence at the school, and after talking and planning and calculating, she decided she wanted to give it a go. She opted on selling chocolate chip cookies (her great grandma Elwood's recipe) and called her shop Callie's Star Cookie. She filled out the application form online, made six batches of cookies over the course of a week (we kept them in the freezer to stay fresh for the sale), designed a poster and business cards, invited family and friends to come to the fair, arranged with Grandpa and Grandma Blanchard to borrow a table, chair and canopy, exchanged a ten dollar bill at the credit union for quarters for change, bought baggies at Valley Market with her own money, and ran her booth and sold her wares all by herself! It was impressive to watch all her effort and enthusiasm, if I do say so myself! All told, she profited over $40 (after paying me back for ingredients)! A definite success, and she's already concocting plans to try again next year. (Sam is, too!)

Here's one of her business cards - she had a few versions
starring different people (including her friends from 1st

The article that started it all.

Poster maker.

Cookie baker.

Boxes loaded up and ready to go!

I thought this was adorable from Sam -
a picture of him yelling to everyone to
come buy a cookie from Cal's shop.

Step right up and buy a cookie!

It was sprinkling when it started, then stopped for about
and hour or so, then started raining in earnest for the last hour
of the fair, darnit. I really think she could have sold out her
inventory if it didn't start raining again. By then most of the
customers milling about were the parents and siblings of
other participants who had already done the rounds of the
booths and weren't eager to spend any more on anyone else.

This is cute Eden buying a cookie from Cal
(who then visited her booth to attempt to ring
a bottle of pop).

It was a bigger affair than I was expecting - lots of booths
by creative kids (and perhaps more help from their parents
than Cal had). Everything from popsicles to Harry Potter wands
to plants to hot dogs to eggs to dog treats to soap and much much more
were sold at the fair.

Cal's best customers were her super awesome
grandparents who came home from yellowstone
early and drove down from Logan after work
just to support her!

Miss Money Bags!

The Grandpas and Grandmas also took
lots of pics of our star cookie seller, so the 
next few may seem out of order, but they came
from them.

Here are our friends the Booths visiting Cal's
stand. Claire is in my young women class
and told me on Sunday that she was so impressed
with Callie's professionality. :)

Cal did not want me or Gregg or anyone hanging around
the stand - she wanted to run the show herself. I asked if 
I could at least watch for a minute so I could see her in action,
but I did my best to stay back and let her shine. (She did let us
huddle under the tent, though, when the rain started falling hard!)


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