On May 4th we met up with Heather and Gracie in Ogden for a field trip of sorts. We started at Winco (because it's awesome and Heather and Grace had never been before) (no pictures, unfortunately). Then, we drove over to the temple to enjoy the "tulip festival" (oh wait, it wasn't really a festival; but it certainly could have been). Then, it was on to the Ogden Botanical Gardens, which I had never been to (and neither had Heather, actually), but I had recently heard/seen about it on a friend's instagram account and decided I just had to see all the blossoming trees there. I figured of anyone I could think of who would enjoy such a place, it would be Heather, so I invited her along (this was the real point of our whole adventure in Ogden that morning). We brought a picnic lunch and enjoyed the flowers and blossoms and company very much. We headed back to Eden for (attempts) at naps and quiet time and some playtime, too, before Heather and Gracie headed back home. We had such a fun time. Come visit and explore with us again!

Good grief, they're cute! |
Lots of fun benches for the little ones to sit on. |
Pretty nice backdrop for the gardens, don't you think? |
While Sam slept and Gracie fought her nap, Cal did a little painting. |
What a fun day that was. We should do it again.