Day 8: Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Columbus --> Home Sweet Home
Our flight didn't leave till late afternoon, so we had the morning to let the kids swim one last time, pack up, eat all the leftovers and random bits we had floating around our hotel fridge for lunch at a fun park, taste some famous Whit's custard, and get to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Paul and Kim flew on Delta, but their flight left shortly after ours (and arrived in Salt Lake waaay before ours, but that story is coming up later), so they were there to keep the kids entertained again at the airport as we checked bags and car seats and such. Such a help!
Things went super smoothly with our first flight to Austin (minus the crazy fog scenario as we were boarding - check out the bonus video below for that). Both kids crashed hard and slept the entire flight. I got to finish my book and just enjoy the quiet. We had a short layover there and then it was on to Denver. (This is what we get for choosing the cheap flight - lots of stops and a late arrival home. It was worth it when we booked.) In Denver we found out that our flight was delayed. The plane was there, but they had no pilot for it. The pilot was coming from Florida or something silly. So we hunkered down to wait and tried to get the kids to sleep on the airport floor. Not as easy as it sounds (ha) especially after they napped so long earlier in the day. We weren't scheduled to leave Denver until we should have been arriving in Salt Lake originally (around 11 pm). And then we got the bad news that we were delayed another hour. Sam finally fell asleep next to Gregg on the floor. Gregg dozed for a minute and Cal and I just sat. Finally we got on the plane for the short flight home. Both kids slept on that, thank goodness (it was nearly 1 am before we left), and by the time we pulled into our garage at 4:30 am, we were beyond exhausted. Phew! What a way to end that epic adventure.
But even still, it was worth it. We had an awesome time. It was a great trip to show what we can look forward to in the years to come. The kids were awesome travelers! We made tons of great memories together. Gregg said the next morning (when Sam woke us up at 6:30 am, of course (luckily Cal slept and slept and slept till almost 11:00)), "when can we go somewhere again?!"
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Cute bench at the park where we had our lunch. |
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Gregg took the kids exploring. I sat in the shade and tried not to sweat too much. |
Yum!! |
Paul and Kim said all the missionaries had their pictures taken in front of this sign when they arrived. Since they drove to and from their mission, they had to make sure to pose with us on this trip. |
Off we go! |
Bonus videos!
(just as we boarded and sat down the heavens opened and the rain came down!)
(and because of all that moisture outside, we got this fog flowing into the cabin
phenomenon - something that was pretty weird, but thankfully harmless (unlike the story
about the plane at the Denver airport we heard about that was filling with smoke and all
the passengers had to use the emergency exits while they were at the gate to escape the
bad air))
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Min is buckled in, too. |
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Making a list of things she can see out the window. :D |
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Watching an old "cabin building" video Gregg downloaded to his laptop pre-trip. |
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We liked the animals on the tail and wings of each Fronteir plane. Also, cool clouds. |
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Back in Denver. Dining on McDonald's again. |
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Snoozin'. |
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If that look on Sam is not one of pure loopy exhaustion, I don't know what is. HA. |
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Just hanging out in our car, waiting for Dad and the car seats. |
I just now saw these posts! What an incredible time we had with you!!!! Love you!