Thursday, December 27, 2018

Snow Hike

We needed to get out of the house and get our bodies moving after a few days of glorious lounging.  A hike was just what the doctor ordered!  The kids were so excited to get out and try their new camelbaks (they fit like a glove and worked like a charm, if not for hydration, then at least for excitement about hiking!).  The North Arm trail was pretty packed down until we turned onto the nature loop.  Then we were cutting trail through a few inches of powder, and bushwacking/crawling under the low-hanging branches.  (That trail is in serious need of some upkeep! Next time, we're bringing loppers.)  We didn't find the return of the loop, so had to backtrack on the trail we came in on.  But the kids brought snacks from their stockings and the day was calm, so we didn't mind one bit.

I just really love their bright colors popping
against the white snow.

Here's some crawling action.

Snack time!

Teddy grahams dipped in snow - a true Eden

Hi there!

I love this color contrast, too.

Such orange lichens.

Winter lovin' Blanchards.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Camelbaks for the kids - I was going to get some for my kids for Christmas and didn't. They're on the list for next year though :) And the picture with the red berries - you should print and frame it - it's beautiful!
