Sunday, July 5, 2020

Fantastic Father's Day

We are all so lucky to have Gregg as the marvelous dad in our house. He's definitely the fun parent and I can't imagine life without him to balance out my perfectionist tendencies with some levity and adventure. We love him so!

I just had to keep this one of Cal's most genuine
smile while they were getting ready for the
traditional father's day photo op.

I can't even handle the cuteness!

Seriously! They're all the best!
Another way Gregg proves he's the best is by spending Father's Day celebrating with my Dad and Grandpa and brother and brothers-in-law. (But before we got to Providence, we took a drive to Mantua, planning to walk around the lake and have a picnic lunch - we only made it a little way since it was so hot, but our picnic in the shade was nice. Then we explored the dirt road and campground areas to the south of the town before heading into Cache Valley. One more stop at Von Baer Park to scope out the disc golf course there (and show the kids were we had our wedding reception almost 10 years ago!) before heading to my parent's house down the road.

We had a burger picnic in the backyard and all my siblings and families were there - the first time we've all been together since Christmas and with all the new babies being born. Of course that meant we needed a family photo. I think our little impromptu photo sesh turned out some keepers. It was a perfect afternoon/evening with the fam.

Little miss Mags lives for the swing!

Mikey helped the kids get going with croquet
(a game which is kind of nerve wracking to watch
the 7 and under set try to play - luckily no one got
whacked with a mallet).

We had to snap a great-grands pic with my grandparents since
they were there for dinner - this isn't all of their greats, but it's
about half!

Now my mom and dad with all their grands.
Aren't they adorable?!

And the whole clan.

They make me happy.

(Thanks, Grandma, for manning the iphone camera so we can
have this!)

I am so grateful for these good, good men in my life. They're smart and honest and hard working and fun and supportive and kind and helpful and funny. We're truly lucky!

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