Happy Valentine's Day. We're not really the mushy-gushy, candlelight dinner, gift-giving sorts when it comes to this particular holiday, but we do believe in pink and red construction paper and heart shaped foods (all the way!). Plus, we had a supa fun Valentine's Day Party for school (can't let those regular schoolers have all the fun ;) that sneakily incorporated learning with all the fun and games (sssh! don't tell the kids!). We finished the day off with a little excursion to Fat Cats (Sam's reward for the
31 Day Read Aloud Challenge) and picked up sushi from Smith's for dinner on the way home. Fancy-fancy! ;)
Gregg has been making these Valentines from construction paper for a handful of years now and the kids (and I) love what he comes up with! |
Heart shaped french toast for the win! |
And strawberry milk - because it's pink! |
Dad gets the french toast crusts - ha! |
I wrote down all the Valentinesy activities for the school day on pink sticky notes in the shape of a heart on the wall and the kids got to take turns picking one off to see what came next. |
Snowflake math puzzles (thank you library!) aren't heart shaped, but it's winter so it works! |
These were also good for scissor practice! ;) |
The moment we've all been waiting for! Chemistry! Aka slime!! |
It was an interesting idea, but not my best pie overall. (This was our super secret special dessert for Gregg.) |
And if apple pie wasn't enough sugar, of course we had to decorate cookies, too. (Which we shared with our neighbors.) |
More math: Candy heart graphing! |
Reading time! (Yes, we did read this entire stack of Valentine's books!) |
Here's the whole shebang, once we were done. |
Fat Cats fun was the cherry on top! |
Skinamarinky Dinky Dink, Skinamarinky Doo, I love you!
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