Gregg has been waiting for this day since the day he became a dad, I think: our first ever family ski night, where everyone got some runs in, and we all had a great time! We made it happen on Monday, January 7th after school and work. We got a season rental on kids skis that we fit for Cal, but plan on Sam using as well (just throw an extra pair of socks on him and we're good - ha!). Gregg also surprised the kids by ordering season passes for them (they were free!) so they don't have to stop at the ticket window anymore but can instead head right for the magic carpet. They were so excited!
Cal was first on the skis and was totally rockin' it. She's figuring out how to control her turns and her speed and kept asking for the "faster" side of the bunny hill. Gregg even pushed/pulled her up the hill a little further, where it was a little steeper, and she had no trouble at all. Then Sam had a turn. He was definitely wobbly at first and Gregg had to hold on to his coat the whole way down. I ditched out during his skiing time to take a run myself. When I got back to the bottom, Gregg was switching boots again for Callie to have another turn. She took a few more runs then we sat down to eat our sandwiches on the deck of the lodge while Gregg took his turn on the slopes. The kids and I moved into the lodge to play a quick game of Uno and then Gregg was back. It was time for the kids to ski again. Sam had definitely improved since his first run and by the end was skiing down by himself, able to pizza and french fry without anyone holding on to him. And all in just about 8 runs or so! I was so impressed! I took one more run while Callie took her last turns. When I got back, she had taken off her edgie wedgie and was crushing the pizza/french fry thing all on her own. We headed home for another snacky dinner and then straight to bed. We were wiped out! But I see this as a definite possibility as a winter replacement for Monday Night Hikes. :D

So happy with his pass! |
First time on skis for Sam! |
I think they're pretty excited about it! |
Magic carpeting like a pro. |
Cal's pass. |
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