Gregg's parents generously offered to take the kids for a day during the time I'd be gone for girls camp so Gregg could work without interruption. But when we checked calendars, they realized they had a camping trip reserved at Ledgefork Campground near Smith and Morehouse for the same days as my camp. Without skipping a beat, they invited the kids to come camping with them instead. After a bit of planning and coordinating a plan was made: Paul and Kim picked up the kids Monday, 12 July and dropped of their Honda for Gregg to use while I was gone. They drove to Ledgefork and camped. Heather's family joined them Tuesday-Wednesday. Gregg met them there Wednesday morning, spent the day hiking, fishing and kayaking with them, and brought the kids home that night. Paul and Kim left camp Thursday and stopped by our house on the way home to pick up the car. It worked out great and the kids had the best time!
Spoiled grandkid alert! (Grandma packed them bags of goodies and games and toys to keep them happy and busy.) |
Magnet fishing for everyone! |
More magnet fishing - and a great catch (a pocket knife!). |
Trying out the new kayaks! |
Whoa! (Look at his face!) |
He caught a Cabelas multitool! |
Sweet sleeping boy. |
Dad came! |
Real (reel? ;) fishing now. |
Caught one! (A little German Brown that they threw back.) |
And a few more from Paul's phone, and since I wasn't there I don't know exactly how they fit in above:
Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa for a fun outing for the kiddos!
Thank you for sharing your kiddos with us! They Were soooooo fun!