Eden 1st Ward Girls' Camp was 28 June - 1 July 2023 in Ashton, ID at
Yellowstone Golf Resort at Aspen Acres. A family in our ward are part owners of this RV park slash golf course, so that's how we had the connections to this rather out of the way little spot. We literally drove through miles of fields before coming up to a clump of trees, which was the RV park and golf course, and then there were miles and miles more of just green fields, and the next thing you can see is the Tetons way in the distance. This was my third girls' camp in our ward, and it was a this time was a big party. Our camp directors this year were a hoot (see first pic!) and had lots of fun things planned around the theme "Adventure is Out There" (from the movie Up). Each day was a specific type of adventure, so we had mental adventures and physical adventures and spiritual adventures. Super cute and clever! I missed my fam that week, but it was nice to get to know the girls and leaders a little better, to forge those friendships a little stronger. But I was definitely glad to be home again and getting to sleep at a decent hour after all those late, loud nights. Ha.
(I'm back again to rewrite this post after all my text (except the first paragraph) and captions disappeared a few days ago. I was so mad and sad and tired that I just put the computer away let myself cool off a bit. I hope what follows will be as good as what I had written previously, but if it's short and lame, then you know why.)
Ashley and Katie dressed up as characters from the movie Up to introduce our camp theme at a weeknight kick off activity a couple of weeks before camp. See what I mean? A hoot! |
The schedule . . . but we didn't follow it exactly, and I didn't take pictures of everything either. But this gives you a general idea of our days. |
Wednesday morning we met at the church and were ready to roll! |
For dinner our first night we drove 15 minutes into Ashton to eat at the famed Big Jud's in the back of a gas station (we actually filled up at this gas station in May on our way home from Yellowstone but we had no idea about the burger place in the back!) |
We ordered a party platter to fee 20-40 people, which included giant burgers, tons of fries and tots, pitchers of soda, and ice cream cones for everyone. But the leaders were afraid there wouldn't be enough food so we all ordered our own single burgers. Needless to say there was plenty left over. |
The schedule says "Teton National Park Hike" on Thursday but that was very vague and broad and the hike person (don't ask me why there was a hike person) wasn't even there, so the rest of the leaders brainstormed a new option: two "hikes" at Mesa Falls and Big Springs. (These are two of our oldest campers, Maiya and Eden, who happened to be in the group that we lost (to be clear, they did not know they were lost, we just didn't know they had headed down to Lower Falls ahead of everyone else).) |
Here I am with Jenny and Laura, two great friends. |
Walking on the boardwalks to see Upper Falls isn't really what I would call a "hike" but it was super beautiful! |
We also walked a mile downstream on a trail through the woods (yes, more hike-like, but not strenuous or even moderate) to see Lower Falls, which was hard to see. |
After the falls, we drove up the road a ways to Island Park and parked at Big Springs. The plan here was to hike another easy hike along the river flowing out of the springs, but just as we pulled up, two young moose came out of the trees and started moseying around in the water hunting for lunch. We stood on the bridge for probably a half hour just watching them eat and walk. It was pretty magical. Probably my favorite part of camp! |
Ella and London and the moose. |
We also enjoyed the big fish under the bridge. |
And the seagulls were entertaining, too, all lined up on the railing like that. |
It was fun to watch their little feet paddling under water since it was so calm and clear we could see them.
After a while, we walked around the spring to Johnny Sack's cabin to look around inside. The moose had moved over near the cabin, and Aeva here was obsessed. She didn't have her phone, so she asked to borrow mine to take a pic and I snapped one of her, too. |
Here's (one of the spots) where the water just comes flowing out of the ground. |
After our hikes I was so hot and sweaty I snuck off to the showers to wash off while everyone else had some downtime. (We skipped the zipline and service project that afternoon since we were all ready for a rest.) After dinner, some of the girls and leaders decided to check out the golf course, so we had fun watching each other learn a little bit about the game. April and I enjoyed the show from the bench. |
Maylee, Annie F, Mila and Emery all tried putting while Aimee and I chatted in the back. Aimee was our golf pro (she's not really a pro, but she does play in some big tournaments as an amateur and she was a good teacher that night). |
The sunset was lovely that evening, so we went out to an open grassy area outside the campground to watch and take group pics in our matching sweatshirts (though I don't have a copy of that pic yet). |
Aww, cute! The bishop and Sherene walking back to camp. |
The sky was kind of amazing! |
Now: for a little tour of our campsite. That red barn down there is the check in/office thing, but there are two bathrooms there that we used during our stay. |
On the left is the leader's cottage (with the trailer in front - some leaders slept in it, too). On the right is the home of the owners. I slept in my car, as usual. I parked my car between the tree and the golf cart on the first night and the lights in the house shone into my window the whole night! I moved across the road to what I thought was a shadier spot the next night, but the moon was huge and bright and shone in my window the whole night! Needless to say, I didn't have the best sleep of my life on that trip, but that's okay. |
Across the road was the group camp site. It was nice, with multiple levels for tents, tables, cooking area, and fire pit. |
I loved the glow stick dance party. This was instead of skits, which I wholeheartedly supported. The girls taped glowsticks all over their bodies, then each tent group made up a dance to go with a disney song. They were so clever and cute! (Also: another first at girls' camp for me: we watched fireworks on the 8th fairway, launched by the owners, right before the glowstick show.) |
The first pic I took on Friday was after 6 pm! We did a lot of "spiritual adventures" that day. My favorite was our solo journaling time for almost an hour that morning. I set up my hammock and just chilled and wrote and that was just what my introvert self needed! |
The guy who made this place really has a thing for metalwork. This creature was right in our camp next to our "kitchen". On the way to the bathrooms in the barn, there was a giant metal guitar that was like a marble run for golf balls. You turned a wheel which carried a golf ball to the top and then went rolling down the ramps to the bottom again. I wish I took a video or even a picture of that! |
We bumped our service project till Friday morning, and instead of stacking wood, we picked up pinecones along the edges of the fairways and greens. We also discovered the zipline, and some girls spent some time hanging out back here. |
We also spent three hours that afternoon on a paint-by-letter project. The gist is this: everyone started with a card(there were 150 cards, so we all did many more than one by the end), maybe 4x6" or so. There were little hexagon "pixels" with letters corresponding to paint colors printed on it, but it didn't look like much. No one knew what we were painting for sure (but lots of girls guessed ;) until all the cards (they had a letter and number written on the back so we knew where they were supposed to go on the board) were in place. It really was pretty neat to watch it all come together. |
And when it was finished, it made all the tiny hexagon painting worth it. |
Group shot with the finished product. |
The Jesus painting made a great backdrop and object lesson for our testimony meeting that night (which didn't end till 11pm!), too. |
On Saturday morning, I was up early, as usual. My walking friend Jenny had left the day before, so I was on my own for a morning workout. I had been itching to check out the disc golf course on the golf course the whole time we were there, so this seemed like the right time to do it. Unfortunately, on my first hole, second shot, I lost one of my discs in a giant spruce tree. Dang it. I searched around for quite a while, and even came back after I finished my round, but never found it. Womp, womp. |
The morning was beautiful, though! I loved the clouds and the sun and the rain coming down in the distance. Made my soul happy (even if my socks and shoes were squelching through the tall, wet grass while I searched for my disc in the rough). |
Remember what I said about metal work? Every disc golf basket was hand made (which was honestly a little frustrating as far as disc golfing goes - my puts bounced out a lot!), but the unique sculptures on top were pretty cute! |
Look waaaay out there and you'll spot the Tetons! |
Not sure what this one was supposed to be, but there's a bounced out putt again! |
Skiers. |
Bikes. |
Green fields as far as the eye can see. One girl said it was like we were in a Van Gogh painting as we drove to our campground the first time. |
Bird and nest. |
Owls on a branch. I think this one was my favorite of all. |
And that's a wrap. This year was a little weird with so many adults there that didn't seem like they needed to be there. And I slept horribly. And the mosquitoes ate me for lunch. But I have always loved girls' camp, even when I was a young woman and wasn't sleeping well and missed my alone time. I love camp in our ward now because the girls are amazing and kind and look out for each other. I love to watch that. And the leaders are amazing, funny, good women, who have become good friends, much thanks to time spent together at camp.
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