Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Easter in the Age of Covid

Easter looked a little different this year with social distancing going on, but we were able to have a memorable and enjoyable time at home with our little fam and some virtual visits with extended fam.  We still had eggs and hunts and a feast and learned about the Resurrection; it was just all an "at home" version.  And it was actually really beautiful.

We started off Easter Week with a family home evening from the Friend about some symbols of Easter (our Friend magazine came just in time!  I was wondering where it was, and about an hour before dinner we checked the mail and it had finally come!).  The activity for the evening was the much-anticipated egg dying!

All week I enjoyed studying the Come Follow Me lesson about Easter with Gregg in the evenings, listening to my fave Don't Miss This podcast episode about Easter, and reading each day's events from my old favorite Holy Week study guide from institute with Sister Whitesides.

On Saturday morning, before it got too cold and rainy in the afternoon, we set up an Easter egg hunt in the yard for the ever-eager kiddos.  We hid the 13 hard boiled and dyed eggs that were left from Monday (Sam ate one of his earlier in the week that he had dropped on the floor during the dying process), 6 large plastic eggs, 25 small plastic egg, and one "bonus" mini plastic egg (that one didn't have any candy, but it was fun to hide anyway).  The kids were great hunters and we only temporarily "lost" one of the candy-filled eggs for a few minutes.

Since we weren't able to have our regularly scheduled Easter brunch and egg hunt at Grandpa and Grandma Blanchard's house, they texted me a few weeks before to find out what books the kids would enjoy from Amazon.  I sent them my recommendations and they had the books shipped directly to us.  I hid them and then wrapped them and the kids got to open them with Gma and Gpa over Skype after they hunted for eggs.  That was a fun surprise!

They are SO ready!

It was kinda fun to hide eggs in our big, gnarly

It's four Heidi Hecklebeck books in one!
(She's read every one from our library
multiple times, but I was so happy to see that the
titles in this collection were not any that she has
read before!)  She finished the entire 400+ pages
that afternoon!

Ask Sam anything about dinos, I dare ya!
(He checks out books like this from the library
whenever we go (which has not been for a while,
obviously) so he was in heaven to have his
very own copy of a nonfiction dinosaur fact book!)

Callie made us egg salad sandwiches for lunch . . .

On Sunday, we had a short and sweet (the best kind!) of "home church" and Callie and Sam taught the Easter morning story using cutouts from the Friend that Grandma Elwood had mailed to the kids on Friday (perfect timing!).  Gregg and I have commented every week how much we love these home church sessions - they're simple and don't last very long, but we really get to focus on the Sacrament and talk about what it means with the kids every Sunday.  It has become really meaningful and sweet.  We watched The Tabernacle Choir broadcast and then decided to cut into our carrot cake before dinner to do a little spreading of Easter cheer.  We dropped a plate of cake at our neighbor's house and then surprised Paul and Kim with a plate of cake on their doorstep.  They let the kids cut a couple tulips from their flower bed for our dinner table centerpiece and we had a quick visit on the front lawn (at a socially acceptable distance).

When we got home we had a fun Zoom call with all the Elwood clan - it was so nice to see everyone's face on one screen.  (Not as nice as all being in one room, but I definitely am grateful for the technology during this crazy time!)


I thought I was snapping a screen shot while everyone was
visible, but I think Ev and Bradley were off gallivanting somewhere
so they missed my snap.  Oh well, I did get a lucky click to have
Gracie giving Cooper a kiss!

I had received a free turkey with a $100 purchase at Thanksgiving time at Winco and it has been taking up space in our freezer for months.  I was ready to get it out of there and decided it could be kind of fun to roast it for Easter dinner. I toyed with the idea of doing a full-on Thanksgiving spread, but kept dreaming of the more traditional Easter sides that I was really craving.  So we had turkey with asparagus, honey garlic roasted carrots, rolls, funeral potatoes (my grandma's recipe with shredded hashbrowns and cream o' soup and corn flakes on top) and deviled eggs (Gregg whipped those up with no real "recipe").  And of course our ultimate carrot cake for dessert!  It was a marvelous feast!

Firsts for us: my first time roasting a turkey
and Gregg's first time carving one.

I don't know why my rolls got so dark on the bottoms, but
they were still edible and delicious.

After dinner we had another scheduled Hangout with the BlanchHerd.  It turned out that only us and Paul and Kim actually showed up, but we had a good visit with them and Sam was so tired he conked out on Gregg's lap!  It has been a LONG time since he's fallen asleep in our arms!  Poor sleepy guy!

Look at those lashes!

It wasn't typical, but it was special.  And I'm certainly grateful that He is Risen!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quarantining - March 2020 Low Down

Callie's latest addition to the indoor art walls.

On Saturday (the 14th) afternoon we walked/biked to the store to get some groceries to hold us over for a week or so - it was not a typically planned or executed shopping trip, but we did feel that it was probably smart to get something before it all flew off the shelves.  It was amazing to see how many things were wiped out of stock from just the day before when we had walked over to the market to buy some rootbeer and apples and doughnuts.  That was the last time we have been out in public or around anyone but ourselves (minus one big solo grocery trip I took to Winco on Tuesday (the 24th)).  What a weird time!

We're doing our best to "stay home, stay safe" and feel really lucky to have a really good situation at our home:
  • lots of space for forts and toys and puzzles to be strewn about inside
  • plenty of room for running around and throwing discs outside (and the snow is melting!)
  • plenty of food storage (and toilet paper) so no stress about finding the basics
  • Gregg's already work-from-home job so no change to that routine
  • a nice savings account so no fear of the future reduction in hours and pay that are surely to come because Gregg's company is part of the travel industry that pretty much evaporated overnight
  • a very supportive and communicative teacher and principal who are doing everything they can to bring joy and learning to the school kids stuck at home
  • a beautiful valley to enjoy walks and bike rides and quiet moments in fresh air away from people 
We feel the stress and uncertainty and concern for the situation of the world right now, certainly, but we are doing our best to make lemons out of lemonade and have some good memories of this crazy "unprecedented" time we are experiencing, too.

(the snow is melting!!)

(some backyard baseball for the boys)

(So I guess I am a hoarder after all - I added all
these holds just today, but alas! before I could
get to the library to pick them up, it closed! womp

(a fitting word of the day for St.
Paddy's, I say.  have you ever heard
it before?)

(the Ogden Valley Moms facebook group had a fun
idea to put a shamrock in your window (or on your
garage door in our case) and then everyone could
drive around the valley spotting shamrocks from
a socially distant appropriate spot)

(ready for the hunt!)

(it was a beautiful day for a bike ride/walk through the
neighborhood - it's looking like spring!)


("remember when we couldn't climb on these rocks?")


(I will for sure be adding all of these to my holds list once the
library reopens)

(first fire of the season! it was still a little on the wet side, so
not a roaring success, but the new hot dog sticks from Grandpa
E worked like a charm for roasting our mallows)

(s'more cute faces)

(I was texting and calling and talking with friends
and family about the earthquake - oh, did we mention
we felt an earthquake on Wednesday morning? yeah,
that happened, too - and Cal felt the need to talk
to someone, too, in the only way she knew how:
good old fashioned letter!)

(today was supposed to be the first day of "home
school" but because of the earthquake school was
canceled so we did some drawing and crafting

(one of our favorite distractions during this whole
quarantine is the lunch doodles with mo willems
series on youtube. I mean, just look at these
pigeons!  Brilliant!)

(today felt like a really good day for some Pat's take-out for lunch)

(good thing we got those new galoshes last week!)

(puddle walks are an excellent diversion)


(dad and Sam time fixing the flats)

(Callie broke out the puzzles and covered the coffee table with
all her work)

(distance learning day 1)

(Sam was way into it but we've learned that it's best to keep
him occupied in another room and just let Cal do her thing
without little brother hanging over her shoulder)

(recess on the "jungle gym" in the backyard)

(I spy two monkeys!)

(first day of spring!!
we play a lot of disc golf these days - I sure am glad I got
Gregg that basket for Christmas!  it has been perfect for all of us!)

(Grandpa and Grandma Blanchard dropped off
two giant cardboard boxes for the kids to aumus
themselves with)

(cardboard is classic!)


bonus video!


(second day of spring decor on the mantle)

(now they've turned the boxes into reading nooks - Callie has even
positioned hers so the heat vent blows right into her fort)

(we needed an outing, so we took a walk to the lake - it's starting
to melt!)


(do you see the ice line?)


bonus videos!



(Gregg and I just sat on a dry hill in the sun while the kids
played in the sand - it was heavenly!)

(hiking back home)

(our friend Erin dropped this "write your own
adventure story" that Charlie started for Sam to
continue.  Such a cute, fun idea!  Here's how it


(and here is Sam's addition to the story (transcribed by Callie
who was totally into this game!))

(we took it back a few days later, but decided that it is probably
better to just send pictures of our additions rather than move
a physical book back and forth.  and then the whole momentum
kind of fizzled. . . but it was fun while it lasted!)

(sunday distractibaking project: Mel's snickerdoodle
brookie bars
.  YES!  They were fantastic!)

(just harvesting five years of curly dock weeks from the yard.
as you do during quarantine)

(ultimate fort status!)

(plenty of puddles - and how fitting to be learning about the water
cycle this week!)



(it's deep!)

(plenty of worms out this time of year!)

(you can't see it, but she is pointing to a worm)

(Gregg ordered the kids their very own disc golf
discs - Sam picked blue and red)

(Cal chose bubblegum pink, naturally)

(Grandma Blanchard offered to have a skype storytime with the
kids so they brought their blankets and books and cozied up
on the couch for about an hour!  They both wanted to read to her,
too, so that was fun both ways.

bonus video!


(Callie's teacher asked her to write down five
things that make her happy, and this is what
she came up with.  What would you add to your

(Cal made her famous chili for dinner almost all
by herself - it was delish!)

(wait, what?!)


(they were annoyed to wake up to the snow, but quickly decided
to make lemons from lemonade and had a lovely time after all)


(I mean, I guess it is rather beautiful with that blue sky!)

(we took a walk around the block and happened upon the firemen
trying to pump out the giant puddle that had formed in their parking
lot - they used a firehose stretched across the street to spray the water
away from their clogged drain)







(today's baking project?  magic cupcakes from Cal's cookbook!)

(we didn't have peanut butter cups on hand, so we
had to improvise with a homemade peanut butter
ball version - but they worked perfectly and taught
a good lesson on adapting recipes as needed!)

(finished listening to this delight
while working on a big 500 piece
yellowstone puzzle together)

(Gregg had a fun idea to take the kids out in the teardrop in the
garage for some story time (and gave me an hour of quiet time
in the house!) the kids loved it so much they were determined to
sleep out there all night . . . by themselves!  they lasted exactly
five minutes before coming in, but are ready to try again every
night since)

(finishing touches!)

(I predicted the snow would melt by dinnertime, and I was so close!)

(my solo twilight walk "around the block" was lovely)

(I'm thankful for Eden)


(Cal's favorite part of the home school day is when we finish up
the slides from her teacher and turn on Mo - he really is a delight
and teaches her so many fun things!)

(we needed an outing so we hopped in the car midmorning on
Saturday and took a drive to Croydon and beyond, ending
up at Lost Creek Reservoir - it was chilly and the water was still
frozen and the trail down to the lake was muddy so we just
hung out in the car and ate snacks and enjoyed the view)




(then we drove down the road a bit further and ended up at the
boat launch area.  The sun was out for a minute so we got out
to stretch our legs - the kids ran up and down the launch ramp
a few times)



(and of course there was some rock lobbing)


(it's mud season!  I promise I swept my floor just
this morning, but here we are again after dinner
with this pile.  Let's play a game: is it mud or
chocolate crumbs?  Answer: both!)

(I was putting away all my birthday pictures and
cards and came across this one that made me smile.
I love Cal's attempt at acrostic poetry!)

(Cal's teacher suggested in her "fun Friday"
email that the kids make a list of things they
think are fun.  We didn't get around to it till
Monday, but here is her list)

(Mrs. Anderson also asked the kids to make a map of the way
they get to school)

(the kids said they wanted to sweep out the garage.  Alrighty
then - let's do it!)

(then it turned into a scooter fest while I finished

(we had a muffin tin lunch and watched Cars 3 on Disney+ for
lunchtime fun)

(with popcorn!)

(I got some fun mail today - a birthday present
from my mom (and dad): an official CoCoRaHS
rain gauge!)

(Charlie sent back his additions to the adventure story)





(I'm ready!  You can view my data here.  I'm
station number UT-WB-22 (name: Eden 0.3 ENE))

(I made Callie start a list of the books she's read
during this quarantine - you know I love that
sort of thing, and I think she will find it super
interesting to look back on.  So far all of these
have been books that we have previously
listened to on audio and then she pulled off
the shelf and read to herself.)

(day 17? project: tidy up the kids' bedroom!)

(Ah, it's nice to be able to breathe in here again)

(Cal said, "Sam, do you want me to read you some Thomas
the Train stories?"  She didn't have to ask him twice!)

(we tidied up the shack thing in our backyard and the kids have
claimed it as their own little play house/cabin, complete with a
shelf for their special treasures!  It's their very own "cabin of
curiosities!" On display the first day: a brick with sprouts coming
out of it, a nest made of horse hair, a beautiful pine cone, a smooth
rock, colorful strips of bark, a shredded pinecone and a ponderosa
pine branch.)

Whew!  We made it through the neverending March - bring on April and stay tuned for more adventures from our quarantine!