Friday, November 30, 2018

Photos from Phones - November 2018 Round Up

I'm going to try something new with this month's round up and post/update weekly (or mostly weekly) so it's not such a huge thing at the end of the month.  That means you'll have to come back to check it out from time to time to see what is added to our monthly not-always-ordinary days recap.

(Callie in a Halloween candy rainbow - sorting
continued till the next morning)

(post-Halloween candy art - I thought this was
quite clever of Cal)

(Callie is into writing books lately.  And I think
they're adorable.  She wrote this one on Halloween
but I didn't photograph it till the next day, so it'll fit
in our November round up nicely here.)

("I like fall because I like leaves.  Today me
and my brother jumped in the leaves.")


("It was fun")

(3:11 pm - on my way to pick up Cal and I just loved the colors
of this scene)

(started this one last night and read it in a couple
days - super interesting stuff.  I think I especially
liked the chapter about introvert vs extrovert since
I read Quiet a few years ago and it really rang true
with me!)

(We took the activity days girls to see Newsies at Weber High.
I think I loved it the most!  Haha - I was singing along to every
word (at least the words they didn't change or add and reminiscing
about how my friends and I used to wish that our high school musical
could be Newsies)

(Sam needed a haircut in a bad way.  When he was
done, he said, "Now I'm ready for the vacuum!"
haha - he loves having all the stray hairs sucked
off his head and back and arms with the hose.
Weird kid.  Ha!)

(one of three apple pies we baked on Sunday
afternoon - and isn't it a beaut? - Gregg took
the other two to his ministering families, but
we got to keep and eat this one!  The awesome
thing about these pies is that we only used apples
that people had given us from their trees (or
we picked ourselves from a tree growing
on our street!)

(I had two people text me about Thankful turkeys
on the same day - one to ask for a pic of mine
so she could make one for her house (this is
Heather's version and it's darling!))

(and one to show me that she's got hers up and
going this year - last year my friend Alicia
borrowed my contact paper and idea to make her
own, so I love that she's still using it and checked
in with me to let me know!)

(here's ours!  I love to see Cal's handwriting on
some of the feathers this year!)

("it doesn't go, Mom!")

(I love fresh cranberries in November and can't
wait to try out some new recipes I've collected
from books this year and last year.  This one
is from Cranberry Autumn - check it out!)

(we checked this one out a few months ago
and loved it, and Cal brought it home from
her school library today)

(it's really so great and makes us want to go to Grand Canyon

(we took a little after-dinner field trip to watch
the snow guns a-blowin' at Snowbasin.  Someone
was in his happy place here - can you guess who?)

(it was so fun to watch the snow clouds lit up
with spot lights on every snowmaker)


(finished this one tonight - and I really liked it!
I had listened to a podcast series called Launch
done by the author as he went through the process
of writing and publishing and promoting his book.
Super interesting!  And the book totally lived up
to expectations.  :)

(and the magic continues at home this morning!)

(I told Cal that there was probably no other kid
at school who's dad could make snow for her at
home.  Pretty lucky girl, if you ask me.  And pretty
lucky dad to get a note like this!)


(here comes the sun!)

(he says it never gets old.  ever.)

(and as soon as breakfast was done - they were
out the door to play!)

(I took a photo of these scene on the first of October. Things have
changed a bit since then, but that sky is still spectacular!)

(strollin' in an autumn wonderland)

(we had to make a little stop at "the stream" on our walk
down the street)

(Cal made this while her friend Abby was over playing one day
after school - I love the colors and designs and handwriting)

(raking leaves with Grandma and Gracie)

(Aggie game with the fam!)

(go Ags!)

(nakie noo noo Sammy and his apple snack)

(it's a Thanksgiving miracle!! My cheeseballs
are saved! I couldn't find this in any store
(and I looked in plenty!)
before today, even here at Winco where I had looked.
but on a whim I swung back over to this aisle this time
(I was going to buy a different flavor as a last resort)
and lo and behold - my Roka Blue miracle: the tags don't
even say Roka Blue, and there isn't a single bottle of Old
English or Pimento spread, but I snatched up four bottles
the the good stuff to get me through the holidays.)

(I have a chocolate chip buying/hoarding problem)

(sign me up!  (I bought six boxes of crackers
and ordered two pairs of Kellog's socks!))

(activity days walk to the fire station to thank
them for their service - with homemade cards
and cheese ball!  And they weren't there.  So I
hope they found what we left them on the hood
of someone's truck.  :D  side note: I get great pleasure
in introducing new foods to these activity days girls
who are on the picky side - a few girls were wary
about tasting my cheeseball snack, but everyone
tried it and loved it!)

(chili and corn bread for dinner tonight - this is my favorite corn
bread recipe)

(exploring our friend Henry's backyard at his
birthday party)

(lots of great things to play on in this backyard!)

(spotted in the hallway outside Callie's classroom)

(here's Callie's rhyme time turkey art project)

(we stopped at the park on the way home from
school and the kids decided to race home - they
ran all the way!)

(all dressed up in his "new" outfit from Great
Grandma Gallagher (she liked to buy new babies
big outfits that they could grow into - and now
Sam is finally fitting into his))

(squirrely smiles from these two cuties at my
cousin Austin's wedding in Payson)

(the Payson temple was gorgeous!)

(another cranberry recipe from the Cranberrytown
picture book series)

(operation Eat All the Leftovers (before I cook
another dang thing) is in full force at our house)

(be still my heart - my morning view from the couch)

(cheesecake prep)

(I loved the colors of the tree branches looking
down our street on our way to pick up Cal)

(another stop at the park post-school; another race home - I spy
running kiddos, can you?)

(sugared cranberries looking mighty fine)

(Callie wrote up a Christmas wish list today and
it just warmed the cockles of my heart to see
what she came up with: "a "snow flake kit",
a new water bottle, stickers, a doll house, a book,
a princess water wow, a "poke art kit", a
calendar, a play house, a puzzle, fuzzy socks")

(e.coli scare made me say goodbye to our salad
for tonight . . . womp womp)

(prepping for activity days this week - maybe you
want to make a scripture-a-day countdown chain,

(Gregg was in Colorado for a couple of days, and as I headed
to bed the first night, I passed Gregg's desk and noticed
this. (From Cal for Gregg plus oatmeal cream pie she found in
 the pantry.) Holy smokes.  Can you say heart melted?!)

(yes, he's asleep in the burley. at kindergarten
drop off. on a wednesday which means we're
an hour earlier than usual. that is 11:30.
good grief!)

(my Christmas reading book stack is coming
along nicely!)

(it snowed!  And the teasel looked pretty on
the way to school)

(lovely views on the walk home)


(it's Thursday and that means it's soup day!
this is Mel's new potato + sausage + tortellinisoup
 and wowza was it delish!)

(I also made rolls.  (GINORMOUS rolls!) these are Mel's, too,
and they taste like my favorite ever Oatmeal Wheat Bread
in roll form)

(I don't remember exactly when this was drawn
(I'm pretty sure it was this month), but I just
had to snap a pic of it for posterity since it's so
cute.  This is Sam's work. The ears are my fave.
And his excellent use of white space.)

Every other round up here (whew!):
2018: OctSept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June