Here are the August leftovers. I hate calling them that, but with so many other August posts that got their own special treatment, it's the most accurate name I can give this photo dump. But I happen to like leftovers. In food and in photos. So, I hope you don't mind this smorgasbord.
8.1.17 (new glasses after 14 years) |
8.1.17 (tomato status - the sickest one on the left now looks the healthiest - go figure) |
8.1.17 |
8.2.17 (finished this one. it made me cry and I haven't cried in a book for a long time. why haven't I read this one before now?) |
8.2.17 (had to get my glasses adjusted - they were too tight - so we stopped at the treehouse museum when we were done to make a fun trip over the mountain out of it) |
8.2.17 (he loves these train tables!) |
8.2.17 (also, milestone: Cal is back there under that arch with other kids listening to a story and making an art project - without mom!) |
8.2.17 (jack and the beanstock) |
8.2.17 (this van gogh on the wall of the museum caught my eye - it's one I don't remember ever seeing before, but I love poppies and I love van gogh, so it was a fun combination) |
8.2.17 (reading fireman stories in a fire truck) |
8.2.17 (he's learning how to pretend to eat and getting pretty good at it) |
8.2.17 (what a feast!) |
8.2.17 |
8.2.17 (post dinner sprinkler runs plus a rainbow) |
8.3.17 (lovely Eden morning on Gregg's walk with Sam) |
bonus video!
(my mom came to play one day - they read stories, and played restaurant, and
pretended to watch a parade (and gather tons and tons of candy!))
8.3.17 (dessert was a messy one tonight) |
8.3.17 (I think he was a fan of the pudding) |
8.3.17 ("mess!") |
8.4.17 (good morning snuggles in bed with these two cuties) |
8.4.17 |
8.4.17 |
8.6.17 (11:04 am: Sam was under the weather so he and I stayed home from church. we took a little walk and this happened) |
8.7.17 (just your average morning walk in Eden Acres) |
8.7.17 (it looks like a monday night hike, perhaps, but was really a scouting mission to scope out a new trailhead (Mule Shoe in Northfork park) for this wednesday's wilderness walk) |
bonus videos!
8.10.17 (walking laps in the backyard (gotta get my steps!) and this is my view to the west) |
8.11.17 (another beaut from Gregg's early morning stroll with Sam) |
8.11.17 (#dailystrollin') |
8.11.17 (also: daily joggin' and (not pictured) daily weed identifyin') |
8.11.17 (hip hip hooray!) |
8.11.17 (Gregg did a solo hike to the top of Nordic to clear his head and get his heart going) |
8.11.17 (he thinks he's big) |
8.11.17 (and the crazy part is that he is) |
8.11.17 (double the helpers these days) |
8.12.17 (Saturday strollin' with my Sammy - I could tell the sunrise was going to be a great one as soon as I stepped outside, so I hurried over to an open field for a good view. YES!) |
8.12.17 |
8.12.17 (those crepuscular rays just do me in!) |
8.12.17 (it was still lovely so I headed down a little dirt road to another great viewing spot) |
8.12.17 (this is the end of our road, actually. keep heading east and it turns to dirt) |
8.12.17 (pink mountains, yonder) |
8.12.17 (11:53 am: he just climbed up on Gregg's lap while he was working on the laptop/watching soccer and promptly fell asleep. say what? I think the effects of the cold linger) |
8.14.17 (just walking to the grocery store) |
8.14.17 (a new strategy - string tied to the trigger on the trap outside. spoiler alert: it didn't work either) |
8.15.17 (6:57 am) |
8.15.17 |
8.15.17 (daily strollin' "the triangle" with Sam) |
8.15.17 (7:20 am) |
8.15.17 (first timer) |
8.16.17 (chalky) |
8.16.17 (cheesy) |
bonus videos!
(lunchtime indoctrination)
8.16.17 (yep, another hike - this time for activity days, and this was the only (blurry) pic I took) |
bonus video! she's pretty much always coloring and singing 8.17.17 (an ordinary day in the living room) ![]() |
8.17.17 (little does Sam know, those hands on the ukulele are the same hands that pulled him from his mother's womb. yes, really. my ob was playing music - well - at the ogden valley open market one thursday evening in eden) |
8.17.17 (sam and cal played in the sand and we listened to the band) |
bonus videos!
(sorry the last one cut off so early - I ran out of storage on my
phone and that was all I could record)
8.17.17 (lovely walk home from the market) |
8.18.17 (really enjoying this read and view while the kiddos nap) |
bonus videos!
(an ordinary day at our kitchen table)
8.21.17 ("Dowie, read me a stowie?") |
8.22.17 (Eden Park clouds on point) |
8.22.17 |
8.23.17 (evening hike with friends in North Salt Lake) |
8.23.17 (cool views of Davis County) |
8.23.17 |
8.23.17 (we hiked with Brian, Cassie, and Max Hendricks, and then had dinner with them at their house afterward) |
8.23.17 |
8.23.17 |
8.28.17 (morning chat book perusing on my bedroom floor) |
8.31.17 (we ended up with all the fall flavors on our winco run this morn. those pretzels are "harvest yogurt covered" and they were fab!) |
8.31.17 (back at it in the backyard swing - it needed a good scrubbing after the birds had had their way on it for a few weeks) |
8.31.17 (sam in a swing - he begs for underdogs constantly) |
8.31.17 (cal in a swing) |
8.31.17 (I love her arms floating free) |
8.31.17 (it's beginning to look like fall back there!) |
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