March was great. Here's what we did:
3.2.17 (mommy's little helpers) |
3.2.17 (we had to bring a kitchen chair in so both kids hand something to stand on and load from) |
3.2.17 (it's one of Sam's favorite things to "help" with these days) |
3.2.17 (we walked to the park and there's still so. much. snow!!!!) |
3.2.17 (oi!) |
3.2.17 |
3.2.17 (I had spring and fall versions of this shot - now winter to add to the collection!) |
3.2.17 (so deep!) |
3.2.17 (smiles like this are worth the standing knee deep in snow to push him) |
3.2.17 (and her) |
3.2.17 |
3.2.17 |
3.2.17 |
3.2.17 (a new game of "pirate ship" on the picnic tables at the park bowery. "ahoy matey!") |
3.2.17 (holy moly icicle!) |
3.3.17 (can you tell we're in the middle of the two-to-one nap transition? also - the "double stroller" isn't going to last much longer) |
3.4.17 (mom and cal have a girls day in Logan for ky's bridal shower and dad and sam stayed home, watching basketball and/or soccer and standing on boxes) |
3.5.17 (attempting to get a sunday morning pic is going well, don't you think?) |
3.5.17 (really well . . . ) |
3.5.17 (and we've reached complete meltdown status) |
3.6.17 (nothing to see here - just more meltdowns) |
3.6.17 (milestone meltdown, though: first time he cried when we came in from playing in the snow, rather than crying on our way out) |
3.6.17 (sorry, sammy) |
3.6.17 |
3.6.17 (returned these fun books to the library this week for some others to enjoy before st. paddy's) |
3.6.17 (story time at the library - cal loves to choose this horse to sit on from the stuffed animal bin (corner) every week; sam found one he could sit on, too and well, all the heart eyes) |
3.7.17 (this is what sam looks like after smearing ketchup through his hair during lunch, and then I form it into a fauxhawk instead of washing it out) |
3.7.17 (profile view) |
3.7.17 (and smolder?) |
3.7.17 (where is my baby boy?!) |
3.8.17 (we have melting!) |
3.8.17 (melting means puddles!) |
3.8.17 |
3.8.17 |
3.8.17 |
3.8.17 |
3.8.17 |
3.8.17 (back at it four hours later - post lunch and nap and other playtime) |
3.8.17 |
3.8.17 |
3.9.17 (we got to google hangout with gregg's parents while they opened their mission call!) |
![]() |
3.9.17 (they're going to columbus, ohio and they leave in may!) |
3.10.17 (today in microfashion - yes, those are swim goggles, ha! also note the sweet dirt clod action shot |
3.10.17 (he loves to swing) |
3.10.17 (pure glee on that face) |
3.10.17 (poor chilly shins because his pants are too short; time to box up the overalls - sad face) |
3.10.17 (and cal loves a turn, too) |
3.10.17 (clever girl came up with this microphone and podium all by herself - she was giving a talk) |
3.13.17 (these were my faves this week - all perfect for women's history month) |
3.13.17 (ogden's weather is a lot warmer than on our side of the mountain) |
3.13.17 (hiking!) |
3.13.17 (on dry dirt!) |
3.14.17 (what my son's face looks like after eating a piece of licorice in the car and then falling asleep on the way home) |
3.14.17 (check it out - two weeks later and the snow is nearly gone!) |
3.15.17 (chalking!) |
3.15.17 (it really feels like spring lately!) |
3.16.17 (sick day for the callie june - I loved her little curled up hands under her chin) |
3.17.17 (matchy matchy green squared - we're not getting pinched today! also, can smiling sam's little grin be any cuter? I think not!) |
3.20.17 (more coughs and sniffles, so no library this morning. but we had a pile of spring-time (and big truck) books to see us through.) |
bonus video!
3.20.17 (nap time treat for me - reading The Girl Who Drank the Moon and loving it) |
3.20.17 (cal got some fun "get well" mail - with stickers! - from Grandma Blanchard. totally cheered up this girl and her momma on a lingering sickie day.) |
3.21.17 (sam's turn) |
3.21.17 (this never happens anymore! and I must admit, I kind of miss it) |
3.21.17 (poor sick boy) |
3.21.17 (but cal is feeling better at last, and she got some marshmallow roasting lessons |
3.22.17 (yes, those are bright green muffins - mel's hulk muffins, to be precise) |
3.22.17 (if I was more on the ball, I would have made them for st. paddy's day.) |
3.22.17 (but I didn't) |
3.22.17 (and sam doesn't seem to mind) |
3.22.17 (also, his using-a-fork-to-eat-muffins is too cute) |
3.22.17 (I like him) |
3.24.17 (look what we got in the mail today!) |
3.24.17 (a beautiful day in the neighborhood) |
3.26.17 (oh this boy) |
3.26.17 (he's too much, I tell you) |
3.27.17 (finished. loved.) |
3.28.17 (these goofballs + a "wheel cart" + pre-lunch loopiness = this . . . and what follows) |
3.28.17 |
3.28.17 |
3.28.17 |
3.28.17 |
3.28.17 |
3.28.17 |
3.28.17 |
3.29.17 (our first bike ride of the season - it was blue-skied and breezy) |
3.29.17 (also, can you say "overgramming?" - I just can't pick!) |
3.29.17 |
3.29.17 |
3.29.17 |
3.29.17 (first hot dog roast of the season, too!) |
3.29.17 (and sam's first time sitting at the picnic table with cal for dinner! (milestone day!)) |
bonus video!
(he was saying his (and my) new favorite word (bom! = mom!)
on repeat . . . until I started recording. of course.)
3.30.17 ("campout" with our friend quincey) |
3.30.17 (lily and sam were invited, too) |
3.30.17 (sleeping bags and pillows for everyone!) |
3.30.17 (popcorn picnic with pals on a rainy day) |
3.30.17 (we weren't home for this, but I thought it was funny/unique enough to send to Mugs, since she played the trombone back in the day) |
3.30.17 (busy boy) |
3.30.17 (all. the. time.) |
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