Saturday, March 25, 2017

Happy Thirty-Two

Yowza!  How is that even possible?  But actually, I'm enjoying my thirties thus far.  And I have no reason to believe that thirty-two will be any different.  My birthday was excellent and I felt very loved and spoiled by all my family and friends who texted, commented, called, visited and celebrated with me.  And boy did we celebrate!  The day started with a delicious omelet and croissant breakfast made by my dear dishy.  Callie had picked out some special presents for me all by herself and was so excited for me to open them.  She also had helped Gregg decorate the living room with wrapping paper streamers.  It was so festive and fun!

Birthday cake flavored fudge stripe cookies (they
were actually really good - tasted a lot like
circus animal cookies which I love), peanut
m&ms (my fave!) and a coloring book (which
we proceeded to color in together, naturally).

The only thing I requested for my birthday was to spend it together as a family (easily done on a Saturday) at the new aquarium in the Layton Hills Mall.  I had heard many fun things about it and was exited to finally visit, thinking Cal and Sam would love the fish, etc.  Final verdict: it was fun to visit.  Once.  I personally don't think it was worth the money, and the whole thing felt more theme park-ish (lots of extra experiences that cost extra money, like feeding the birds instead of just sitting by them or swimming with the stingrays or having a fish pedicure) than scientific, which I was hoping for.  I think the kids actually enjoyed the mall's free little play/climb/slide area just outside the entrance to the aquarium more than the aquarium itself (much like liking the boxes more than the toys on Christmas or something).  But, all that said, we had a good time and saw some fun things.

We got to go inside the parakeet cage and watch
them hop and fly around up close and personal.

This little glass "cave" under the big ray/shark
tank was probably the highlight for everyone.
It was pretty cool to sit "under water" and watch
the animals swimming by all around us.  (The
human legs and bums were less than exciting
to witness, but they paid the big bucks to be in
there and I didn't so I can't complain.)

Poor kid is gonna get a crick in his neck!

Cal got to visit with a mermaid and received a
teeny tiny special shell from her (which we
promptly lost).

We had lunch at a yummy Mexican place called Javier's that we had been wanting to try for a while.
And then we came home from naps and quiet time and preparations for the family dinner planned for later.  I made some bread bowls earlier in the week to go with some amazing clam chowder and black bean pumpkin chili.  Gregg's mom brought fruit salad and my mom brought a cheese tray to round out the meal.  We had Gregg's parents, my parents, and my sisters and their families/fiance, plus Evelyn, who was staying with Grandma and Grandpa for a few days, join us for the fun.

Newly formed.


(They were really good, by the way.)

After dinner we opened presents - I got a cute shirt and cardigans and some yummy baking/snacking treats (costco bags of craisins and chocolate chips!).

I love this guy!

And then it was time for cake (my favorite part).  I had been dreaming about my german chocolate wedding cake recently and that's what inspired by choice of german chocolate bundt cake.  Callie helped me bake it on Friday (she was an especially good beater-licker).  I was pretty bummed that it stuck when I tried to dump it out of the pan (I think I didn't let it cool quite enough).  But luckily, the pecan coconut frosting covers a multitude of sins, and it turned out looking mighty fine.  Tillamook Oregon Dark Cherry ice cream went along with it.  It was divine, if I do say so myself.

I'm the luckiest girl to have such a supportive family (especially my dishy husband!).  If the next thirty two years are anything like the first thirty two have been, I have a lot to look forward to.  Happy birthday, indeed!

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