Monday, April 24, 2017

Easter Eggin'

We like to spread out our Easter festivities over an entire week.  This year we started first with an Easter FHE on April 10th where we started a couple of daily countdowns to Easter we found in The Fried Magazine and made/ate peanut butter rice krispie treats cut into egg shapes (recipe idea thanks to The Friend, as well). 

Sprinkles thanks to Cal.

Then, on Tuesday the 11th, we met up with the whole Blanchard clan in South Jordan for a quick couple of hours that everyone would be in the state at the same time (Ryan and the girls were here visiting from NC/VA and Laurel's family was leaving for WA that evening).  The kids hunted for Easter eggs in the backyard and then we ate Cafe Rio for dinner.  We also snapped a family photo since it will be a while before everyone's all together again with our missionary grandparents leaving soon.

All eight Blanchard grands in one room.

Sam was way more interested in the lawn mower toy than the
egg hunt.

Gregg was the official photographer.

Notice those motorboat lips going full blast.

Chow time!

Callie had been looking forward to dying eggs all month, and we finally got to do it together for "Mom and Cal time" on Friday the 14th.  She was in heaven mixing her love of art with her interest in science.  Dying eggs was the perfect combo!

Writing on the egg with a crayon before dipping
it in the dye.

Such concentration!

Sam was actually there, but I made him stay in
his high chair and eat because he's too wild for
my liking when dye is involved.

He's pretty darn adorable, though.

Beauties, all of them.

The annual Elwood family Easter egg hunt at my grandparent's house was held on Saturday morning.  It's kind of fun to see this tradition being passed on to the next generation of Elwood great grands.  Callie totally knew what to do and wasted no time collecting her ten small eggs and one big one.  Sam had a little help from his friends.  After eggs, we had a yummy sloppy joe (inside) picnic and then parted ways.  We went to Hyrum to tour H&T's under construction house (and they're nearby neighborhood park).  On our way home we stopped in Mantua for some rock splashing in the lake and some dirt road exploring.  Dinner was a to-go bag from Maddox, which we ate at a park in North Ogden that we always drive past but had never stopped at.  Then home over the mountain to bed.

Gracie wasn't about to be left out of the fun.

Testing out the patio swing.

Sunny deck group shot.
Back row: Emmy, Taylor, Chiara, Mugs, Heather and Grace
Front: MaKinna, Macie, Evelyn, Kim, Cal and Sam

Mantua views.

Sunday morning I attempted a fancy hairdo on Callie for church.  It actually worked out, but I have never tried it again.  Best not to tempt fate and step out while I'm ahead, I think.  Man, we have cute kids, and they finally agreed to look cute and smile for a picture together in their new spring clothes from Grandma Blanchard. (I had been trying to snap a picture of them in their outfits for weeks to no avail.)

It was a fun week with family, culminating in a beautiful Sunday to celebrate the most amazing miracle ever - Christ's resurrection.  What a blessing to know that He is risen!  Alleluia, indeed!  Here's my very favorite Easter hymn to finish things off:

Monday, April 17, 2017

19 Months

Because I am a month late with an 18 month update, I give you a 19 month update on Sam (and even still it's late for that - #momlife).  I just looked through Callie's 18 month update, and was surprised to see how similar her brother is to her (they both demand(ed) a taste of whatever sauces are on the table at a meal - syrup, sour cream, salsa, salad dressing, etc), though there are definitely differences, too (like Cal knowing her shapes but only barely walking and Sam walking for months but doesn't care one bit about shape names).  Kids are a joy (and a challenge) and I just feel lucky to be the mom of these two.  Anyway, on to Sam (I haven't done an official "photo shoot" of him for a while, so I'll just pull a random assortment of semi-recent ones, which you may have already seen or will see in the future in other posts, for this post).

They're full of fun and personality, these two.  And Sam adores
his sister.  Cal, well, she tolerates him most times.  ;)

Sam has started talking up a storm - he is trying new words every day, and bonus! some words have multiple meanings (for example: bompa/ba-ba/bapa = grandpa, tractor, backpack and Deeya = callie, quesadilla, kitty cat).  He loves to practice the ones he knows over and over and over again.  My favorite is when he first wakes up he has to go through naming the family and pointing to everyone (Dad! Bomb! Deeya! Bomb! Dad! Deeya!)

This is after eating licorice in the car on the way
home from the store.

This is after smearing ketchup through his hair
so I used it as "gel" to try a new 'do.

One of his favorite tricks lately is his daring table-to-couch acrobatics.  He'll stand up on the end table next to the couch and then sort of jump/dive onto the couch or the recliner.  Over and over and over.

This was yet another "trick" that only lasted while
Mom was not home and then the box was moved!

Sam loves: going outside (he is so fast to run for his shoes if its even mentioned as a future plan), swinging, strolling (understatement of the century), sliding (with rumble strips), snacking (he begs for snacks at the library, which are usually there after story time, but when we go on days other than Mondays, he's sorely disappointed), cars and trucks and things that go (matchbox to real life), bat-ball (pointing out basketball hoops on our walks), reading (truck books are his fave, but also loves Joone (he calls it the bompa book) and Dr Seuss's Teeth Book and will sit through just about anything we are reading), splashing rocks, sticks or shoes in puddles, grandpas, breakfast, sweet potato "fries", asparagus, eggs of all varieties, cheese, Music Makers (his favorite song is Drive Your Car sung to the tune of Row Your Boat and ends with a cute "beep! beep!"),

By the end of winter he was tantruming when
we came inside instead of when we went out
in the snow.

Notice the motorboat lips making all the car
sounds in Richard Scarry's book.

Cute story alert: watching music and spoken word on 4/9 was a hoot.  He pointed out every thing he knew in the videos (grass ("wass"), goose ("goose" - I didn't even know he knew that word!), water ("wah"), church ("durch" - really any large church-like building, including the state capital and temple)).  Then after the first song he folded his arms because he guessed a prayer was next (but not so on the motab broadcast).  After the second song he tried folding arms again (but still no prayer). When Lloyd Newell started his spoken word part, Sam folded his arms again and said "pair".  (Close enough, buddy.)  (Side note: his "folded arms" are the cutest things ever - he pokes his elbows out and puts his wrists together, with his hands pointing downward and touching on the backs.  I don't know if that even makes sense at all, so if I ever get a photo of it, I'll be sure to update this post.)

Sunday best.  But not pleased with the photo

Sam does not seem to love: swimming in a big pool, nursery (18 month separation anxiety is real, though he had his first successful no-parent-whole-nursery day on 4/9, and it went even better on 4/16 so maybe we've crossed a bridge), meat (except chicken nuggets or hot dogs - does that even count?), bathing in other people bath tubs (but he loves ours!), milk (he used to drink a bottle every night before bed and then he got sick and threw up a whole bottle and never drank one again; he will sip a bit from a sippy cup, but not much, and I forget to give it to him since Cal doesn't really drink it either).

Let's add "holding still for a picture with his
sister" to that list of things he doesn't love,
shall we?

Gets it from his dad, methinks.

Sam is finally sleeping through the night (and even "sleeping in" till seven on occasion).  He started out sleeping much better than Cal, but then we had some rough months.  But around 18 months things turned the corner for her and they have done so with him, too.  Luckily he will still sleep in his crib at night and pack 'n' play for naps, so that is a blessing!  He actually loves to take a nap.  He knows when he's tired and when I ask if he's ready for a nap he'll usually wave goodbye to whoever we're with/whatever we're doing and lay his head on my shoulder down the hall to his bed.  He sleeps in the cutest little bum-in-the-air way and still asks for/gets a bink when it's sleepy time.  He's down to one solid 1-2 hour nap a day right after lunch (and sometimes before if we happen to be driving home from somewhere and he falls asleep in the five minutes it takes to get home).  At night he usually goes down around 7:30 and wakes up between 6:00 and 7:00 (if we're super lucky it's the latter, but usually closer to 6:00).

A very rare (these days) naptime cuddle in the chair. (He wasn't
feeling too well.)   I love the car clutched in his fingers.

Sammy is a super helper, learning how to clean up toys and books when we ask him to.  He's actually a better sharer than his sister (hmmm).  He's content to play by himself for good little stretches of time, usually occupying himself with the bookshelf or the matchbox cars or the colanders and spoons and beaters from the kitchen cupboards.  He's very affectionate and will give slobbery kisses on the lips or cheeks or loving head bonks.

There's those motorboat lips again!

His stats from his 18 month check up are:
weight: 23 lbs 5 oz (37th percentile)
height: 34 inches (97th percentile)
head circumference: 47.5 cm (54th percentile)
He only cried for a few seconds when he got his shot and didn't even make a peep when they stuck him to collect a blood sample to check his iron levels (came back normal).

Other stats:
diaper size: 4s (has been in these for a while and will likely stay for a while longer
clothes size: mostly 18-24 months, some 2T (waists seem to be a bit big on many things but shirts and pants aren't quite long enough if they fit around the middle well - they must be related to their father!)
shoes size: 4s, though growing out of them soon I think (his feet are a little small compared to other kids his age, much like his sister)
teeth count: 18 chompers!  (I swear he was constantly teething for the past year, but we finally seem to have a reprieve)

He's a healthy and active little guy and we sure love having him in our family.

Watch Samuel grow: 12 months11 months | 10 months | 9 months | 8 months | 
7 months | 6 months | 5 months | 4 months | 3 months | 2 months birth