How is it already January? I swear we just got home from Utah after Thanksgiving and now it's New Years! December was lovely, snowy, cold, and full of good cheer. I've already posted quite a few posts of December-specific activities, so these that remain are mostly walks and randomness from around the house. One of our highlights this month was a visit from Auntie Ky. We explored Vail and Beaver Creek Villages in the snow, made cute button Christmas tree ornaments, went on some walks, and otherwise just hung out. We loved having her here! Here's to a new year full of many more fun and funny moments, and, I anticipate, a walk or two in the fresh air.
12.2.14 (Cal is playing with a little nativity set I intentionally displayed on a little table at her height - she loved it!) |
12.2.14 (She played with the nativity figurines all the time, arranging them in their own candle holes, among other places.) |
12.2.14 (this was my attempt at photographing some rather squawky geese on the river - I still am trying to figure out what they were exactly, but this photo doesn't help in my id quest) |
12.3.14 |
12.3.14 |
12.3.14 |
12.3.14 (helping herself to a snack - which was promptly dumped all over the floor just minutes later) |
12.4.14 (oranges in the stroller - a great way to multi-task) |
12.10.14 (there's those geese again - slightly better shot this time) |
12.11.14 (just doing a little walking at the park) |
12.11.14 (in real jeans, no less - my baby is a big girl!) |
12.11.14 |
12.13.14 (a peaceful Saturday morning at our house) |
12.14.14 (matchy matchy green cubed) |
12.14.14 (the first in a series of "crazy callie" shots) |
12.14.14 |
12.14.14 |
12.14.14 |
12,14,14 |
12.14.14 |
12.14.14 (reading the paperwork from the arm of the recliner) |
12.14.14 |
12.15.14 (finally starting to look like it'll be a white Christmas) |
12.15.14 |
12.15.14 (can't get over this view) |
12.16.14 (we had a lovely walk through Vail Village in the snow) |
12.17.14 (after dinner in Beaver Creek on Ky's last night) |
12.18.14 (farewell Ky-Cal selfie) |
9.19.13 12.18.14 (some things never change) |
12.18.14 |
12.18.14 |
12.19.14 |
12.19.14 |
12.19.14 (looking a little hipster-ish here) |
12.21.14 (playing with the magnets - her fave - in the primary room while mom sets up) |
12.22.14 (tasting her first cookie beater) |
12.22.14 (I think she liked it) |
12.22.14 (we take a lot of walks through parking lots these days since the path isn't plowed) |
12.23.14 (bright blue sky + white snow = happy Kim) |
12.27.14 (ready for an arctic adventure - or a walk) |
12.27.14 |
12.27.14 |
12.27.14 |
12.27.14 |
12.31.14 (a -13 degree morning made lots of mist on the river as Gregg drove to work) |
12,31,14 (also a sun dog a block from his office) |
Over a year of round ups here: November | October | September | August |
July | June | May | April |
March | February | January | Dec '13 | Nov '13 |
Oct '13 | Sept '13 | Aug '13 | July '13 | June '13
Great photo roundup!! Loved each of these!! Just keep 'em coming!!