I take too many pictures. That's pretty much the gist of it. Here's the slew from May:
5.1.17 (daily strollin' is lovely) |
5.1.17 (bike path goodness) |
5.1.17 (who doesn't love the spot where the sagebrush grows? again. always.) |
5.1.17 (seen at the meadow view cemetery) |
5.1.17 (my library faves this week; don't be fooled, that lollipop one has some rather deep life lessons to be learned inside its pages - good stuff) |
5.1.17 (life is good with a view like this - thanks to the Adams fam for their little swingset, which has been well loved and used by our kids since we took it off their hands while they were moving) |
5.1.17 (Cal gone on her birthday date + Sam napping = a free hour or so to put my feet up and catch up on Call the Midwife) |
5.1.17 (he's pretty cute, I say) |
5.1.17 |
5.1.17 (scar on chin is healing up nicely) |
5.4.17 (Eden livin' is fiiiine) |
5.4.17 (I mean, look at that reflection on the reservoir!) |
bonus video!
(with bonus "I need to go potty!" . . . wait for it . . .)
5.4.17 |
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5.4.17 (nothin' like some nice relaxing hammock time, eh? also, my favorite things: Minnie hanging out on the hammock like a true kid and Sam's goggles around his neck) |
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5.6.17 (we came to Ky's graduation from USU (Gregg was out of town so the kids and I made a weekend of it)) |
5.6.17 (sisters, sisters) |
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5.6.17 (almost the whole family (minus Gregg) was there for a dinner celebration afterwards) |
5.6.17 (bedtime stories from auntie mugs) |
5.9.17 (a trailer at the church park brought endless entertainment for this guy) |
5.9.17 (sliding and climbing . . . or trying to do both) |
bonus videos!
(she asked me to take three videos of her sliding.
so I did)
5.9.17 |
5.9.17 (he graduates to the big boy swing! and summer legs are in full effect with this one) |
5.9.17 (and it's not even 11:00 am yet! (spoiler alert: I woke him up)) |
5.9.17 (muffin tin lunch time - this is a fun idea I saw on instagram somewhere and it proved to be a big hit with the kiddos (and their momma)) |
5.9.17 (we also call it "snack lunch") |
5.9.17 (a mom'n'cal time staple: "no match") |
5.9.17 |
5.9.17 (not her favorite match (the birthday cake) but a good one nonetheless) |
5.10.17 (same game, different day) |
5.10.17 (it was my favorite game, too, so I'm glad we can share this memory together) |
5.10.17 |
5.10.17 (she's getting pretty dang good - we tie many games and sometimes she even beats me, as illustrated here!) |
bonus video!
5.11.17 (now this is more like it) |
5.11.17 (#hammocktime) |
5.11.17 (and bonus! evening #hammocktime with my dishy to end the day) |
5.12.17 (digging through an old box for something important (I have no idea what now), I came across these treasures. whenever I see the one of me and Dr. Cockett at graduation, I think of this for some reason) |
5.12.17 (woad warriors) |
5.12.17 (they're lovin' it, I tell ya) |
5.13.17 (a rare three spider-ed shoot on my spider plant) |
5.14.17 (attempting to get a mom and sam mother's day pic before church) |
5.14.17 |
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5.14.17 (even when they're/we're goofy and/or grumpy, I sure love them and I'm grateful to be their mom) |
5.15.17 (quiet day at the library lego table - Sam's favorite spot!) |
5.16.17 (it was a rainy Tuesday with nothing to do, so we spent an hour or so at the Treehouse Museum, where Cal and Sam made me "breakfast" in the cafe) |
5.16.17 (Sam and the babies) |
5.16.17 (I think he'll be a great daddy someday) |
5.16.17 |
5.16.17 (it's been awhile) |
5.16.17 (I think it was a boat? and Cal is taking a pic of her "kiddos" which is just stinkin' adorable - I should upload it here, shouldn't I?) |
5.17.17 (we've been on an elisha cooper kick lately - I first read (and loved) train a couple of years ago. That one is still my favorite, but they are all really cleverly told and illustrated) |
5.17.17 (Sam joins the coloring table) |
5.17.17 |
5.18.17 (early morning stories with dad) |
5.18.17 (he's really into rah rah radishes! lately, and he can even say the title as he digs for the book in the box and brings it over to read) |
5.18.17 (the tiniest baby strawberries that you ever did see) |
5.20.17 (saturday chores meant cleaning out the garage to make way for our new tennant, Wolfie (Gregg's mom's car who we're babysitting while she's on her mission)) |
5.20.17 |
5.20.17 (her new favorite thing to do at the park) |
5.20.17 (she likes me to count to see how long she can hold on) |
5.20.17 (upside down picnic tables make great playgrounds, too) |
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5.20.17 |
5.20.17 (oh so happy to see that blue sky again!) |
5.20.17 (exploring the new trails dad mowed in the yard) |
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5.20.17 (my favorite words to hear them say: "I'm going outside." (Sam's version sounds like "ow-dide".) Counting my blessings for this beautiful day and such an explorable backyard) |
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5.20.17 (when the only kid who will snuggle with you on the hammock is Minnie) |
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5.20.17 (family hammock time is pretty great, too) |
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5.21.17 (they're official!) |
5.22.17 (bed's made) |
bonus video!
(all day, every day. it's like he's running
drills he's made for himself)
5.22.17 (a lot of goodies in this week's library bag) |
5.22.17 (and I checked off two more Newberrys) |
5.22.17 (my selfie game is strong this week!) |
5.22.17 (on the bench swing at the "library park") |
5.22.17 (the struggle is real - ps this happens every week on the 10 minute drive home from the library. luckily he transfers to his crib well and just has a late lunch after his nap on mondays) |
5.22.17 (mom'n'cal time today is science!) |
5.22.17 (I love that little grin) |
5.22.17 (a late afternoon walk to the cemetery) |
5.22.17 |
5.22.17 (I'm so glad I looked out the window and noticed the pink glow to the east! when I got out around the house, this is what greeted me!) |
5.22.17 |
bonus video!
(he's learned his plant id skills from his sister)
5.23.17 (brand new baby horse! just born yesterday! next door! wobbly legs! too much cuteness!) |
bonus videos!
(our newest little neighbor has been so fun to watch.
Sam will give us the play-by-play: baby! running!
mommy. daddy?)
5.24.17 (what happens when your face meets the gym floor during marching time at music makers. ouch! there was blood and tears and it just kept swelling - his biggest fat lip yet, poor guy) |
5.31.17 (8:49 am incidentally, this was the day after we got home from our Colorado trip and Cal slept in till 10:30! what the?!!)) |
5.31.17 (10:03 am Cal's still asleep, so we're having some mom'n'sam time outside) |
bonus video!
(I told him to blow the dandelion seeds;
he prefers the shake method. And only when
they're full puff balls, apparently. (Yeah, we
have a lot of dandelions.))
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