Saturday, June 24, 2017

Adventuring {Bird Refugees}

We had a Saturday (June 17th) with nothing planned and decided instead of sitting around at home all day, we'd try something new.  I had been wanting to go explore at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge for a while, and had recently seen something about cool little explorer packs you can check out at the visitor's center (Cal was super excited to try out the binoculars and bug net), so we headed North to Brigham City for our outing. We got there a few minutes before opening time, so we decided to do the driving tour first and then swing back for the visitor's center and boardwalk.  Callie was sooooo bored in the car.  Ha.  And I vaguely remember being bored, too, as a child on this same drive.  (Must be a rite of passage or something.)  But I was having a great time watching for all kinds of birds out the windows as we drove.  Luckily there were a couple of big overlook towers that we stopped at for the kids to run up and down on.  It was extra lucky we pit stopped at them, because when we got back to the visitor's center we noticed that the gate was still closed, even though it was long past opening time by now.  Turns out they had "unforseen staffing problems" and the building was closed for the day.  Bummer!  We made the most of our time in the Brigham City area by stopping at a park to slide on the slides and then heading to Maddox for lunch (note to self: stick with the cheeseburgers!).  We'll be back again!  (And maybe we'll get a few more bird pictures next time.)

1 comment:

  1. Pretty pictures! Even the phragmites (another bad weed if you were wondering) looks pretty in that photo!
