Thursday, December 9, 2010

100 Days

.... and counting*

*at the time of publication of this post we're up to one hundred and three


  1. I would say, "But who's counting?" but apparently you are! That's great! I don't think we recognized 100 days of marriage, but I do remember when we had been dating for 100 days I made a little sign using 100 cheerios to make the numbers for "100." I still have it in a thick album of all the loves notes we wrote when we were dating.

  2. Ha! I love the cheerio idea. :)

  3. Congratulations, you two! Pretty significant milestone. . .but not quite significant enough to fork over the big bucks to buy a second "0" candle? ;)

  4. Congratulations to you two, it is soooooooooooo fun to see you both soooooooooooo happy! Now what 10 is next, 10 months? We will watch for another binary numberical blog post in June!
