Thursday, April 24, 2014

I Think the World is Glorious

I recently purchased the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Teach Me To Walk in the Light and other children's favorites album using some Amazon birthday gift cards (thanks, fam!).  The first song in the playlist is this one, and I love it:

It is titled I Think the World is Glorious and is apparently found in the Children's Song Book, but is one that I never learned myself as a primary girl.  I'm glad the MoTab Choir included it on the CD, though, because it has quickly become one of my favorites.  It puts into simple but powerful words (with a bonus catchy, lilting melody) my own gratitude for this beautiful earth that we get to live in and enjoy.  As I pushed Cal along in the stroller on this sunny April day, the lyrics kept running through my head.  Can you blame me for singing when I get to experience this while I walk?

I think the world is glorious

and lovely as can be.

The birds and bees and blossoms

bring sweet messages to me.

I sing, and sing, and sing, and sing a song of joy and love.

I sing, and sing, and sing, and sing my thanks to God above.

1 comment:

  1. I love this song! And your photos are gorgeous, great sharing!
