Sunday, March 11, 2012

One Year Older and Cuter Too

My wife turned 27 today which makes her one year older and cuter than she was last year and this time. Here's a quick pic or two from today's corned beef and cabbage dinner festivities with our friend Anika and the missionaries. Dessert was some strawberry shortcake and a rather tasty chocolate cake that Anika donated to the cause.

The candles are 28 - 1 to equal 27.


  1. I like the mathematical candles! :)

  2. Serious math skills. And it looks like you'll be all set for G to turn 29 in June! :)

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday, Kimma dear, happy days will come to you all year!

  4. Great photos and very clever with the candle math! Happy birthday KIMMA!!
