Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lionshead Rock

Round 6 of our Monday Night Hikin'.  (We sure do like this tradition.)  This time we headed South from home a few minutes drive to check out Lionshead Rock.  I actually hiked this same trail on Friday morning with my friend Cherish, but unfortunately the camera card was left home even though the camera made it all the way up the trail.  So, it was pretty quick turnaround time for me to do the same hike 3 days apart, but it was more than worth it.

The stats:
Date hiked: 20 Aug 2012
Start time: 5:45 pm
Take in the view/pose for photos time: ~10 minutes
Finish time: 7:52 pm
Total round trip time: ~2 hours (plus a couple minutes)
Total mileage: 4.4 according to the book (my gps batteries died, so I'm not sure if it's accurate)
High point: 9340 feet according to my dying gps, 9928 feet according to the book

And now for some photos:

Lovebirds on a rock.

The view to the Southeast. . .

. . . and back towards the Northwest.
We've been pretty hazy lately from the fires
in the West.

I have a dishy husband.


Pretty deep crack in the rock.

The golden hour light was delicious!

Didn't mean to make this one blurry - but
somehow it's perfectly so.

That's the rock we were just at.

Coming back down through the lush thimbleberry thicket.

It rained this morning, but luckily it was dry for our evening hike.

Lovely sunset to end a lovely hike.


  1. I love the "posers" photo! You two lovebirds are just too cute for words. :)

  2. You two are cute! I loved the "posers" photo, and the blurry one too, actually. :)

  3. Your photos are incredible as usual. I love to look at your blog - not just to see what you've been up to, but also to see the great photography. You two have a gift! The Denver trip looks like it was a lot of fun.

  4. Fabulous pics! What amazing views (grand and small) and your poses are so cute! I'm so jealous of all the great hiking you have around you, and I'm so glad that you're actually hiking. I'm definitely guilty of not getting out to do that kind of stuff as much as I would like to or should.
