Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Aunts Come Marching Three By Three

For my birthday present this year Gregg secretly arranged with my sisters for a week of girl time after Toasty was born.  That week finally came on July 25th when the aunts converged on Edwards.  We had great fun together and Callie wasn't put down pretty much the whole time they were here.  The days flew by, though, and I'm already wishing for another visit.  Be prepared for a giant photo dump to follow (and I must thank Heath, Ky and Mugs for taking photos while they were here so I could steal them and create this post - most of what you see here came from them.).

They texted me this pic as they left Logan early Thursday morning:

First time holding Cal - of course she had to be held on the big red ball:

A little dress-up time trying various headbands on Cal:

The goils after church on Sunday:

Gregg came home for lunch on Monday so we sisters could get out for a couple of hours sans Callie.  We explored Beaver Creek, ate some yummy lunch at a restaurant there, and even went on a "hike":

Our Monday night FHE in the mountains, complete with roasted mallows and hot dogs:

Beautiful setting up Homestake.

The clouds were magnificent!

The marshmallow queen with her masterpiece.

Yep - the big red ball even goes on
campfire adventures!

While she was here, Mugs turned 17.  We ate dinner at Larkburger and later that evening enjoyed some Texas Sheet Cake and ice cream.  Once again we had to use some creative candle math to get the right age:

That's 8 + 9 to equal 17.

Best.  Birthday.  Ever.  (I'm talking about mine, though maybe Megan would agree, too?)  Thanks to Gregg for arranging this thoughtful gift and to Heather, Kylie, and Megan for getting off work and driving all this way to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun relationship you sisters have!! I'm so glad that you got to have such a fun time together!
