So, Callie turned 9 months old and has recently mastered some new tricks, including, but not limited to:
- fake cheesy smiles (these are the smiles I get when she sees me pull out the camera - I can only imagine what school pictures will look like in a few years!):
Exhibit A. Cheesy Smile |
Exhibit B. Fake Smile |
Exhibit C. Fake Cheesy Smile |
Exhibit D. Cheesy Fake Smile |
- clapping / pat-a-caking on cue (she's also started to imitate other things we do, like waving - sort of - and patting the tray on her highchair and clicking her tongue):
Callie, can you do pat-a-cake? |
Yeah, mom, I sure can! |
- sidewinder snake "crawling" (since the filming of this video she's dropped the rolling to both sides step and instead pushes her legs around, lifts up her hips and somehow shifts her body sideways - hence the sidewinder snake analogy - to get to what she wants):
- eating all kinds of solids, including the occasional toys and toes (but she's great about chowing down on anything we feed her, and happily - sorry, TMI - her digestive system seems to be handling everything quite well lately as evidenced by her plentiful poopy diapers):
Mmmm . . .these look rather delicious. |
Look, Ma, no hands! |
What? I just need a little snack to get
me through this long photo shoot. |
Fingers are tasty, too. |
- just generally cracking us up with her antics (she's never been and is still not the best sleeper ever, but you can't really be mad at her when she flashes you a smile or lets out one of her adorable giggle-cackles):
See what I mean about charming? |
Seriously, Mom, are we done with the pictures yet? |
Watch Callie grow: 8 months | 7 months | 6 months | 5 months | 4 months | 3 months | 2 months | birth
Great photos!!!! Thanks for the fun show!