Monday, December 15, 2014

Gingerbread Buildin'

Auntie Ky brought a special delivery with her this week when she came to visit: freshly made gingerbread houses (pre-construction, obviously) for us to decorate together.  And that's exactly what we did this evening for FHE.

Houses are constructed (with only minor casualties getting
to this point) and ready for decorating.

Callie was mostly interested in eating "tweats"
(marshmallows pictured here, but we mostly
gave her craisins for the health factor).

Cal did help herself to something delicious and
gummy, though.

She thoroughly enjoyed whatever it was.

All done!  (And yes, that is a stale jerky sleigh being pulled by
a team of four chocolate covered peeps.  Why not?)

Ky's masterpiece.  Lookin' good!

The finished results. Now we've got to figure out where to display
them that is out of the reach of little fingers!

A fun evening for all.  Thanks Mom for helping us keep the tradition alive!  We figured this was probably my 30th gingerbread house (give or take a few - I'm not exactly sure when we started building them with Grandma Elwood - but still, I've built a fair number of these bad boys in my day!)  Gregg is counting down the days till they're stale enough to eat (anytime after Christmas is legal in my book), dunked in hot cider - his favorite part of this whole gingerbread buildin' event.


  1. Those pictures of Callie are a scream! Great gingerbread houses! Stale gingerbread house dipped in hot cider? hmmm.... Not sure that is at the top of my list.

  2. I think that's the best use for peeps, really. And the houses turned out great!

  3. Maybe next year I'll remember to send the non pieces so Gregg can eat the gingerbread before its stale. It's actually pretty tasty then
