Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunrise (Campground) Snowshoe

My parents invited us to join them, plus the rest of the fam (plus my uncle's family, too), for an MLK snowshoeing adventure.  We met up at the Bear Lake Overlook rest stop, geared up, and headed for the open snow (where luckily someone had already broken a trail through the nearby Sunrise Campground).  The sun was shining and the snow was sufficient for a lovely walk through the woods till we reached a hill with a nice view of the lake.  Or what would have been the lake, had the clouds not been filling in the valley below.  Unfortunately, our kids were not feeling super great (and would only get worse as the week progressed - it looks like we caught them on their best day of the last seven), so Gregg and I carried them on our shoulders (or flopped over in our arms) pretty much the entire hike (which wasn't that long, but when you're hiking in snow while carrying a child, the distance/effort feels like double whatever it actually was).  Luckily the invitation also included a delicious picnic lunch of mom's homemade shake 'n' bake chicken, dad's potato salad, chips, rolls, and brownies.  Mmmmhmmm.  Ain't nothin' bettah.  My grandparents drove up to dine with us in the sunshine, and it was fun to be able to visit with them and Bryan's family, who I don't get to see that often.  A fun day to enjoy sun and snow, even with sad, sick kids.

Setting off - where does the snow end and the clouds begin?

She was thrilled to try out Grandma's Bear Tracks
(snowshoes for kids!), but the poor girl just didn't
have any energy after walking a few feet down the
trail (that building behind is where we started).

At least she was smiling at some point.

Selfie in the snow.

Our overlook stopping point on the hill.

Group shot! We had everyone there from our family except
Michael who had to work.  Plus my dad's brother Bryan,
his wife Penny, and their kids Austin, Spencer, Parker and

bonus video!

(she was smiling the entire time - a true outdoor girl if I ever saw one)

bonus video!

(though he was the one we could hear wailing through the trees
because he did NOT want to be stuffed in his snow suit and strapped
to his dad's back at the beginning)

Let's lunch!

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