Sunday, June 5, 2022

Birthday Skiing

We originally planned to be on a trip to Yosemite on my birthday, but alas, we all got hit with the slowest moving colds ever. Gregg started it . . . then Sam . . . then Cal . . . and then me. The symptoms were stretching out over a couple of weeks and we decided to postpone the trip (luckily we hadn't booked anything, and we have flexible schedules that let us do so). I was super bummed.

But it was still my birthday, and I wanted to do something to celebrate. Fortunately, everyone was feeling okay (enough) that day to go skiing. So skiing we went. And we had the best time! It was freezing (some super weird cold spell hit after our slushy spring skiing the week before) and it started out as cold as any mid-winter ski day we'd had to date. But the sun was shining and we bundled up and had a great time! We even bumped our Friday night pizza up to Friday lunch, ordering it from the lodge and eating out on the patio in the sunshine. It was marvelous! (Why don't I ski on my birthday more often?!)

Definitely lookin' like spring around here!

My group shot request at the top of Apollo.

Three cheers for pizza in the sunshine!

The rest of the day was pretty great, too. The kids surprised me with some little gifts they had scrounged from their collections, we ate waffles with strawberries for breakfast, Gregg and I went on a walk, we ate nachos for dinner while watching The Little Mermaid, my friend brought me a no-bake cherry cheesecake pie which we ate for days, and lots of people texted and called to wish me well. I may have started the week feeling sorry for myself that we weren't on vacation, but it all turned out great (better, in fact) as it usually does.

Present pile! (The knife sharpener was from the Wihongis, the rest came from the kids.)
(I especially enjoyed the poem from Cal: How I [heart] You
On their birthdays moms deserve a treat.
Perhaps a piece of cake or something neat.
But what all moms need is a break when they wake.
Bday coupon: I will be good all day!)

We finished reading Sweet Home Alaska that morning,
a book we all super duper enjoyed.

Covid numbers looking WAY better
than they did last year on my bday -
that's a reason to celebrate, for sure!

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