Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Out There {April 2022}

2 April 2022: Solo Walk Down Stringtown
I made like the pioneer children and walked and walked and walked while listening to the General Women's Session of conference. It was a lovely evening!

3 April 2022: Old Highway Walk with the Fam
We walked out on the old highway, but weren't wearing proper footwear to cross the stream in the middle and it was a bit far to jump. Crazy to think this used to all be underwater back in the day!

6 April 2022: Old Highway Overlook Trail
Sam and I went for a walk on the old highway trail . . . not the one that goes down "into the lake" but the one that goes up around the rim with views of the reservoir and snowbasin. I love this trail! It's my favorite walking spot as of late.

That lake is a LOT smaller than it used to be!

10 April 2022: Another Walk on the Pineview Rim Trail at Old Highway Beach
Can you tell I don't know what to call this place? It doesn't have an official name, so I just keep making stuff up. Ha. But look at those clouds!

12 April 2022: Walk Around the Loop
In the snow. Well, after the snow. But it snowed! In the middle of April! I'll take it!!

Impressive Carlos and Harley's icicles.

Sheesh! This was a big walk - up around the loop, all the way
down to the lake, along the rim trail,
 and then back home. Must have had a good podcast
going ;)

13 April 2022: Neighborhood Walk
Look at that crane across from the park!

14 April 2022: Bike/Walk Around the Loop
The kids joined me on this one. Cal was eager to try out her new bike, methinks. A little drizzle won't stop us!

15 April 2022: Friday Fieldtrip to Roy
We went to the Southwest Branch Library and then made our way to the park that sits sort of behind it (though it's not super easy to get to from the library as it seems like it should be). The sun was shining and the clouds were puffy and it was a lovely time to be outside on the other side of the mountains.

Just look at all that fresh snow over yonder on Ben Lomond!

18 April 2022: Another Bike Ride on the Loop
When I walk the loop I always go up this hill first, but when we bike, we go around the opposite way so they can speed down toward home.

20 April 2022: Biking on the Rim Trail!
Gregg got a mountain bike and now we're all trying out the trail with wheels instead of feet! (This was my first time ever biking a dirt trail, I think!) Still looking for a good deal for a mountain bike for Sam, but for now he's making good use of the one he already has.

21 April 2022: Bike Ride Around the Triangle
I only know this was a bike ride because of my shadow in the pic. The whole point was to document the burned canal ditch bed thing. You know it's spring in the valley when . . . 

21 April 2022: Ogden Park Hop
After our field trip to see the blossoms at the botanical gardens and the temple, we found ourselves at the Adventure Park on 24th Street. After playing for a bit, we wandered down to the river.

A map of the watershed carved into a rock bench.

Then we went to the red, white and blue park near the rodeo grounds. It was good to be out at playgrounds again . . . in short sleeves!

24 April 2022: Back on the Bike on the Rim
We found a good deal on a nice little mountain bike for Sam on Facebook Marketplace (thanks to Mugs for helping us connect with the seller there!), picked it up on Saturday and were out on our first family mountain bike ride on the rim trail on Sunday afternoon. So fun!

26 April 2022: Poet-tree Teatime at the "Hollow Tree"
We switched things up for our poetry teatime Tuesday and moved outside . . . into one of our favorite trees, the "hollow tree" on the beach at big parking lot just south of Middle Inlet.

27 April 2022: Nature Journaling "Hike" from Windsurfer to the Marina
It's been a while since we've had a proper outdoorsy hike + nature journal Wednesday, and I was determined to make it happen this week. We did the trail from Windsurfer to the Marina and Cal was constantly expressing amazement at how quick we got there and how short the trail was and how easy the walk was. That's what happens when you grow up, I guess!

The marina sidewalk is in bad shape, and the dock doesn't
even reach the water right now, but it's still a fun desitnation.
We even saw/heard a groundhog in a hole just off the side of the sinking

Well, that was quite a good outside month, wasn't it? I'm proud that we didn't let the weather stop us too much! I do like seeing the seasons change, which was definitely happening in April. Winter into Spring. Bring it on!

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