Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear McCall, You're Marvelous

Father/son bonding on the way to the lake.

Emerging from the "secret" pathway we took each day
on our walk downtown.

Payette Lake

The trusty grandkid-haulin' wagon.

Miss Moo.

Surely this photo doesn't do this
 sunset justice - what a spectacular site!


Enjoying the Relaxation Station.

Laurel's little friend.

"Put up yer dukes!"

Strike a pose.

Just a random statue at the park near the lake.

Perfect for a little photo-op.

The fox went out on the town one night.

Family photos - it's tradition!

Little Hill - just a few miles outside of town.

Brundage Mountain

Another tradition - check out the local ski areas.


  1. It was MARVELOUS! Memories, family and fun!! Thanks for the photos and for coming!!

  2. Thank YOU for making it possible. We had a wonderful time. :)

  3. Really love the boat picture.
