Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fireside Pizza

You may have heard of Firehouse Pizza.  You may have even eaten there.  Well, on Saturday night, we tried our own version: Fireside Pizza.  Thanks to some genius building skills of Gregg (with a little help on the wrapping and taping by Kim) and Papa Murphy's for making the pizza and selling it to us for only $6, we had ourselves a marvelous feast!

Someone moved the picnic table into the stream
 as a makeshift bridge over to the campsite.
Worked like a charm.

Will it work?

Oh yeah!  So delish!

Next up: dessert!

Cooked to perfection (and cooling on the dashboard of the car
since the rain, wind and hail drove us inside).

We left in the rain and shortly after we got home, the rain really
got wild.  Gregg, of course, grabbed the camera and
these are what resulted.

Quite the summer storm!


  1. Awesome. One year at camp we used a reflector oven to bake chocolate cake. It was so heavenly to smell that in the middle of no where where we didn't even have a porta potty!

  2. Impressive. Looks like that oven worked great. Can you fold it up for storage? That rain storm was wild - neat pics. Chalk it up to a happy adventure!

  3. Vickie, that sounds delightful! We'll have to try cake next.

    And Mom, it does fold up. We still like to be rather careful with it, but it's quite portable. :) It was a fun evening.

  4. Oh my! That is such a great idea! I am feeling so inspired right now! Cooking outdoors has never felt so endless! Awesome pictures too! I'm glad I found your blog.

  5. Hey Jess - welcome! :) And seriously, the reflector oven is awesome. I highly recommend it!
