Sunday, August 14, 2011

...The Beginning of Another.

As the Millennial Falcon's service comes to a close, another must inevitably take its place. Our choice, which was quite unanimous, was this white Subaru Outback. We're rather fond of it and hope it will serve us well for many years to come.

I've honestly never been a big car namer, the whole Millennial Falcon thing just kind of happened (speaking of which, it's actually Millennium Falcon, not Millennial which is part of the story) but since it's white and meant to navigate the snows of Colorado, we're throwing around Storm Trooper. Speaking of which, it's supposed to be spelled as one word, Stormtrooper, so it would keep that tradition as well.


  1. I second (or third?) the motion for naming it Storm Trooper.

  2. I am thrilled with your new car! Just think of the adventures you two will have with this new little mountain vehicle!

  3. Heather, your vote has been noted.
    Mom, I believe you meant, "big tough mountain vehicle."
