Monday, August 29, 2011

A Year and a Day

One year and one day ago we were oh-so happy and in love.

Today nothing's changed.

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We decided to take the spread-out approach to our anniversary celebrations:
Saturday was the Cache Valley Century bike tour (aka "Half-LOTOJA" after the fact that Cache Valley was also experiencing the Top of Utah Half Marathon that day) so Gregg spent the better part of the day pedaling around the valley.  As I waited in the shade for my dishy husband to arrive, I took a minute to photograph the local wildlife:

Saturday evening we took the Storm Trooper on it's maiden voyage over the mountain to Eden, where we dined at Carlos and Harley's - recreating our first meal as a married couple (to the penny, even!) - on a delicious fajita steak salad and an enchilada plate.

On Sunday, we went to church, did some home teaching, came home to find a flat tire on the Storm Trooper, changed said flat tire in the 146.2 degree heat (that's what our thermometer said, anyway), did a little more home teaching, unwrapped our cake top so carefully preserved by Aunt Joan and stored for a year by the Elwood fam . . .

. . . and dined on the deliciousness (it was only a tiny bit dry and definitely not freezer-burned!) while playing a mean game of Scrabble on the front porch. (Gregg won by two points!)

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Here's to eternity more!


  1. Yep, I'm pretty sure this post just made my day. You two sure make me smile. I second the motion: Here's to eternity more!

  2. These two photos of you two are absolutely fabulous, just looking at them makes me smile! Happy Happy Happy! Congrats!!!
