Thursday, November 5, 2015

Halloweening {Pumpkin Walk}

The Pumpkin Walk in North Logan is something I always loved visiting as a kid (and teen and young adult).  It is a collection of scenes created by people in the community - things like favorite story books or comics or movies or current events - all (or mostly) with pumpkins and gourds and squash and other autumny produce.  I remember helping to create a Noah's Ark scene as a youth activity when I was a laurel.  It's been a few years since I've been able to visit it since we have lived so far away, so this year, being only an hour or so from North Logan, I knew I had to go, and bring my kiddos along with me.  On Friday the 23rd I met up with my friend Marcy and her little girl, Greta, and we walked the walk together.  Two birds with one stone that way.  Here are a few of my favorite scenes:

Curious George - I thought Cal would like this
since she knows who these characters are, but
she actually seemed to prefer looking at the carved
pumpkins that sat on hay bales lining the walkway.
I guess they were more her eye-level or maybe
just comprehension level.

The Flinstones

Juanito Bandito - a hilarious musical play that is
put on in various renditions each summer at
Pickleville Playhouse in Bear Lake.  A local
favorite, for sure.  (And this one was built by a
high school friend of mine.)

Back to the Future - fitting since just that week
was "Back to the Future Day" (October 21, 2015).

Inside Out - I still need to see this movie but it
was cute even without me seeing it.

Far Side comic - "The Downside of Homeschooling"
(the "teacher" is asking, "Can I have a volunteer?")

Snowmen All Year

Callie's favorite part, by far, was to wander among
the dozens of these wooden cut-out characters and
peek her head (and fingers) through.

A tribute to the Beutlers, the original creators
of the Pumpkin Walk.

Looney Tunes

This used to be the entry to the Pumpkin Walk, but is now shoved
over to the side, used mainly for photo ops nowadays, apparently.
We took advantage anyway.

Grumpy Cat
(Even memes have their own display these days!)

Hooray for reliving fun Halloween traditions with a new generation!

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