Thursday, October 5, 2017

Adventuring {Skyline Leaf Hike}

I don't know if this is technically an "adventure".  It was more like a "what should we do after dinner before it gets dark and cold?" kind of outing on a Thursday night (September 28th).  And actually, it was going to be a "Mom and Cal date" since Sam was already in jammies (he woke up early and was kinda cranky/tired by evening).  But, as Callie and I were getting into the car to leave, Sam decided he really wanted to be in on the fun.  So the boys joined us.  And we enjoyed the changing colors and lovely evening light streaming through the canyon while we hiked along the Skyline Trail (Cal's fave).  Man, I love where we live!

I really wish my phone could capture the vibrant color.  This
looks like nothing but a dry hillside.  I promise, it was stunning!


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