Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Lunch, Art and Science in the Park

Our friends Treasa, Charleigh and Prestin invited us to join them for a couple of Free Lunch in the Park events in Ogden.  Weber State does an Arts in the Parks and Science in the Parks in conjunction with the school district lunches, so we decided to try one of each, both at the same park, but on different weeks.

Week One: Lorin Farr Park, Wednesday 6 June 2018, Arts in the Parks (Music!)
We bopped over to the park after our Wednesday morning hike on the Quail Trail Loop with the Tyke Hikers.

Kiddos waiting for lunch.

It was a most interesting lunch combo, but I didn't
realize that it was "chicken and waffles" - a thing -
until I got home and told Gregg about it.  I just thought
it was a really random combo of popcorn chicken, waffle
strips, beans, and a frozen fruit cup.

The kids got to make and decorate tambourines from paper
plates, pipe cleaners and bells.

There was also a big drum circle with lots of fun
drums to try out.

See the ribbons Treasa is holding?  The kids got to choose three
colors and tie them to a metal ring to use as streamers while dancing.

Week Two:  Lorin Farr Park, Tuesday 12 June 2018, Science in the Parks (Sound!)
We met up at the park early and walked along the Ogden River Parkway first, past the Botanical Gardens and up to Big D park (kind of by the Dino Park), before heading back to Lorin Farr for lunch and science.

June is for roses - and they were stunning!

A more kid-friendly sort of lunch this time, though
my kids weren't crazy about the uncrustables pb&j;
there was also broccoli and carrots with ranch,
applesauce, and cheetos.

Looks like I didn't take any pics of the science part - oops! - but they had some cool stations including where you could watch the sound waves make patterns of sand when the man pulled a bow across a metal platform (kind of like this), play music on glass bottles filled to different levels with water, make kazoos out of straws, and make cup that made chicken sounds.  Fun stuff!  And a great way to add some variety to our summertime activities.

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