Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Remember September {Part 4}

It was last day of September.  We figured we should squeeze in one more drive up Lake Creek since the rain stopped and the sun was peeping through the clouds and the leaves are fully in their grand golden glory. Oh my!  I'm so glad we did.  Can you tell why this is our favorite spot around?  (And why if we had 10 million dollars to spend on a house, we'd plunk it down in an instant right here?!)

Holy. Moley.

Imagine waking up to that as your view every morning!

Okay - so maybe we're getting redundant
here.  #Sorrynotsorry.

Did we mention it was 40 degrees and we didn't bring a jacket
for Callie so we had to wrap her in a blanket we found
stashed in the back of the Sub?  Best parents award for us.

In a word: spectacular!


  1. Oh. My. Word. These pictures are amazing. I wish it didn't take 9 stinking hours to get there from here - otherwise I'd be there in a heartbeat. So maybe you forgot a least there was a blanket! (And an adorable snuggly photo with dad, to boot).

  2. in a word . . . WOW!

    And don't worry - you're not the only parent guilty of forgetting a jacket or other important accessory. Just wait until Callie is big enough to "choose" whether she wants a jacket or not, and chooses NOT to wear one when everyone else is, and you look/feel like the best parent because your child is running around without a coat/jacket on in snow/rainy weather ;)

  3. Absolutely and totally amazing photos!! Cute family!
