Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This is Halloween {Part 1}

Lately, due to the nature of the season, Callie has learned what a pumpkin is.  We read about them in library books and she always points out the pair of jack-o-lanterns ("kin! kin!") sitting on a porch railing near the park whenever we're there swinging.  So, to be festive and carry on with Halloweening tradition, we bought a pumpkin on Saturday at the grocery store.  It was a cute little Callie-sized pumpkin from the "small" bin.  It sat on near our fireplace for a few days and Callie would roll it around like a ball, exclaiming "kin! kin!" all the while.  We didn't have time on Monday night to join the rest of the Mormon world in a pumpkin-carving FHE (seriously - I saw at least a dozen facebook or instagram posts of families who created jack-o-lanterns for family night pop up in my feed this morning), but we did tonight!  Cal's first jack-o-lantern?  Check!

Opening her up.

Not too sure about this - better keep a safe distance.

I can touch it with a spoon, I guess.

Here, Dad, let me help you.

Pretending to taste what's on her spoon (hint: it's nothing).

Hi there miss Cheese-ball.  (Note: this face is what I used
as inspiration for the jack-o-lantern.)

Oooh, what's inside?

That's her thinking face.

Trying to figure out the pumpkin lid puzzle - always a challenge.

Face drawn, time to carve!

That's his concentrating face.

See?  Cute squinty moon-eyes, button nose and four
teeth on top and bottom.  It's Callie in pumpkin form!

See the resemblance?

And now for some bonus outtakes:

In other news, it's really hard to get a nearly one-and-a-half-year-old
to pose with her pumpkin.

I was there tonight - acting as the MomTog for the historic event.


  1. Great job on making a pumpkin face look like Callie. Don't ya just love celebrating their "firsts"?

  2. Pumpkin carving with the fam is a great tradition!
