Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Remember September {Leaf Hikes}

Besides the big highlight of our Causey Salmon Spawn hike (which gets it's own post because it was so awesome), and our disc golfing in the leaves (which we counted as double-whammies for hiking and playing) we had a number of other really fun and really beautiful hikes during September.

Sardine Peak: 5 September 2016
This one starts at the Maples Trailhead in the lower parking lot of Snowbasin Resort.  We had hiked part of it before (to the ridge where previously we went left and on to the Ogden Canyon Overlook) and all our reading about it online came from mountain bike trail sites, so we knew that we could expect to share the trail with a few bikers.  We weren't too worried about that, and off we went.  Turns out, it was NOT the relaxing Labor Day hike that we had intended it to be.  The further we went, the more frustrated we became with the lack of concern or respect we got from the hundreds of bikers we encountered on the trail.  Our plan was to do the loop - to hike to the ridgeline, go right till we saw the great views of Pineview we had heard about, and loop back down to almost the trailhead and head back home.  We didn't complete that plan because, frankly, we were scared for our lives.  Coming down the loop past the overlook to Pineview, we just could not hear the bikes coming (at unsafe, too fast, speeds) behind us until they were right at our heels.  After one too many near-misses and our hearts pounding out of our chests with adrenaline (and anger, it's true), we turned around so we could at least see them a few seconds before we had to dive off the trail into the brush to save our skins.  I'll stop ranting now.  But I will say it was hard to enjoy this hike, even though looking back on the pictures, I can tell that there were some good moments.  Bikers take note: trail etiquette states that bikers should yield to hikers, or at least let us know you're coming!

He was sleepy.

Up on the ridge.

Some good moments - and great views.

Sam faceplanted in the dirty dirty dirt while we were stopped for

Skyline Trail (again): 26 September 2016
This is a lovely, close, scenic (you can see pineview most of the time - at least for the mile or so that we've hiked of it), easy trail.  A favorite of our family!

She loves to pick leaves of all kinds and colors.
These maple leaves were cool because they were
super soft and velvety on the back.

The best kind of leaf picture I can imagine.

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