Monday, August 22, 2022

Thirty-Nine and Lookin' Fine

It's birthday time for Gregg! We made him waffles and sausage and strawberry milk for breakfast and also made him open his presents right then.

 A life jacket (actually two) so we can try out
the kayak we got for Christmas!

A little portable grill to replace the one we've had for over a decade
and has pretty much worn out.

After lunch and after Gregg put in a half day of work, we headed out to try out the new life jackets (and give the kayak its maiden voyage).

So happy to see the lake covering almost all of the old road this year!

Pump, pump, pump.

And she floats!

While we took turns, the people on shore picked dyers
woad - like no dyers woad I've ever picked!

They were growing in the water and were
super easy to pull out . . . and super ginormous!

Later, we headed up to Brigham City to play a round of disc golf at a course only Gregg had tried before. It was a lovely little park with lots of trees (and lots of cotton floating around!). After disc golf, we were ready for dinner, and where else would we eat when we're in the Brigham City vicinity? Why, Call's Family Drive-In, of course. If you're surprised by this answer, don't worry, you're not the only one. If not, then here's a little back story: you see, my family has long been fans of a drive-in practically next door to Call's called Maddox. In our minds, there is no other dining option along Fruit Way. But Gregg has always been curious about the smaller, though still plenty-busy diner a little further north. And what better day to try it out than on his birthday. Verdict: it was good! We got burgers and chicken strips and rootbeer floats and everything was tasty. Was it Maddox? Nope. But it was good! This is why I like having Gregg around . . . to push me out of my comfort zone and try something new.

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