Sunday, August 21, 2022

Photos from Phones - May 2022 Round Up

Slowly and surely plugging away at these posts. It's so easy to get behind and so hard to catch back up and summer is winding down so my goal of catching up the blog is looking less likely. But plug away I will! Here's our round up for May. What the heck happened in May? Who knows? Let's find out, shall we?

(full on donut practice mode around here for the biz fair
later this month. This was one of her best batches ever!)

(we have been enjoying the realistic animal drawing
lessons on art for kids hub for some of our nature
journaling mornings - here's Cal's bald eagle)

(and Sam's - I'm so impressed with their ability
to follow directions and make it look like something real!)

(I made a quick solo trip to Hyde Park for my great uncle
Lynn's funeral. His daughters (my dad's cousins) were closer
to my age, and we played a lot on Sunday evenings growing
up as we visited their grandparents and my great grandparents)

(Elwood/Lamb cousins/brothers:
Ron, Dale, Kevin (I think?), Dennis, Bryan, Richard)

(The O.G. Elwood clan plus Lucy running laps
around the gym.)

(for science we made ph test strips from red cabbage juice
and then tested them out with various substances from the
fridge and cupboards)

(red meant acid, blue/green meant base)

(Cal wanted to keep this colorful strip and
I convinced her to just take a pic for posterity)

(it was the Kentucky Derby and I was hankering for some
derby pie)

(Sam picked me some dandelions for the table)

(happy mother's day to me! (this is my one request each year: a pic
with my kids on mother's day))

(We’ve long been Melissa Sweet fans, so to get two picture book bios illustrated by her (and written by Jen Bryant who is also fabulous) for RAR family bookclubs this spring has been such a treat! Horace Pippin and William Carlos Williams were not people who were familiar to me before these books, but now we’re all fans of them and their art and poetry. Love when that happens! (And we’re even deeper fans of Melissa Sweet, too!))

(These are just a handful of the most delightful books we’ve been enjoying the past few weeks. All so different, but so fun!)

(just had to give this one some extra love - I really loved these poems
and the art!)

(This was full of fun and simple outdoor learning activities. We only made the wind vane, but I’d like to come back to it and try some others in the future.)

(I think I was trying to show how low our tank was - it's
an 18 gallon tank and I put in 17.1 gallons. Eek!)

(we love LEGO robotics class at the library (if we can get
signed up soon enough!))

(I never would have picked this up except that it won the Newbery Award this year. And because it did I put it on hold back in January. Well, it finally came in, and I finally started reading ... and it is not my usual genre, that’s for sure. I honestly don’t remember the last time I read a sci-fi book. BUT I’m so glad I did! I actually really enjoyed it! Sure, it gets a little far-fetched and dramatic, but the premise was cool, and I especially loved the opening chapters when she described future earth (you find out it’s 2061 when the book starts) and I could definitely imagine things she mentioned really happening. Also, lots of really random interests/things I’ve read about converged in this book including (but not limited to): retinitis pigmentosa, Hyperion (world’s tallest tree), mammoth cloning, Dreamers (picture book), and books/library. So that was surprising and fun. :))

(ah, the good ol' wordle bot. it was
fun while it lasted (being free))

(I still don't understand why some words
can be used but can't be answers? lame)

(The first chapter books he’s read on his own in a long time (mostly gravitates toward nonfiction or dogman lately). Sure glad Cal found these, read them quick, and then talked them up so he’d give them a try.)

(our annual tulip harvest (so we can mow the lawn
by the fence where they grow)) was lovely as ever)

(they only last in the house for about a day before I'm itchy-eyed
and sneezy and I put them out on the porch, but they're pretty while
they last (and they're pretty outside, too))

(the mower just stopped and this is why - the cable that holds the fuel line
open when you pull the bar on the handle snapped)

(but never fear! with a bit of facetime coaching from
Gregg who was in Nashville, I was able to fix it!)

(they are selling little bits of paper that they
decorated as gift tags and original art (car drawings
by Sam) - they actually made some money because
people are kind and good.)

(oh, yeah, that raspy sore throat Gregg came home from
Nashville with was NOT just because he was yelling
to be heard at all the conference parties. Whomp. Whomp.
He isolated in our room for 10 days, with us leaving him food on a chair
outside the door. I slept on the couch bed in the front room. If he did come out
he masked up, and by the end of the week, we were eating a lot of our
meals together outside more than 6 feet apart. It was a long ten days for
all of us, but no one else got sick!)

(Today for art/math we read about and learned how to make tessellations. It was super fun and kind of magical how they fit together. Math-magical! 🤓)

(this was my tessellation project. so dang fun!)

(hammock school this morning!)

(this month's fairy tale study was Hansel and Gretel - 
lots of interesting versions out there!)

(i already listened to this during our flight home from Chicago,
but when I heard good things about the graphic novel version, I 
snagged it at the library and read it in one sitting while the kids
played at the park. Excellent in either form!)

(this one made us giggle)

(spied on our walk to the park this morning: a flattle snake)

(I don't know why I didn't include this on my out there
post, but I don't feel like moving it now, so here it stays.
I actually really love the dandelions)

(hundreds of porta potties and rainy skies at the park - you know
it must be ogden marathon time!)


(We’ve spent a couple of weeks slowly reading through these books about ancient Egypt. Learned a lot!)

(these are others we checked out but didn't get into much)

(spotted on the fridge - a birthday wishlist from Cal)

(spotted on the heat vent - a boy reading a big
ol' book about India. yes, really.)

(algum? I chose algum before album? what was I thinking?!)

(working on a collage with Melissa Sweet via RAR Premium, of course)


(I even got in on the fun - and then we turned our creations
into little collage paper zines. such a fun project!)

(we three had fun reading these poems aloud
together - lots of animal noises involved!)

(love the work of these two - looking forward to a new one
about polar bears coming soon!)

(we didn't make the Italian Easter Bread from the Friend magazine
at Easter time, so when we planned our country party for the last day
of school, the kids wanted to make it for Italy.)

(they were fun to make and look at (those are raw
dyed eggs that become  hard "baked" when the dough bakes
in the oven!) but I wouldn't recommend making them days in advance.
just eat them when you make them!)

(we had a  park hoppin' "field day" between grocery shopping and errands.
this one is Bonneville Park (part A))

(Bonneville Park (part B))

(High Adventure Park)

(George E Wahlen Park (behind the Roy library))

("Charlie's Park" (aka Meadows Park))

(more "Charlie's Park" antics - that's Cal way up on top!)

(that's a full to the brim and spilling over inch plus of water in our gauge!!!!)

(whoops! that's snow sticking to the road in Liberty - probably not
gonna take the divide up to Cache Valley after all!)

(oh these hooligans at the cemetery!)

(I loved that Amylinn's family brought a little
DX52 tomato seedling to put on Grandpa's grave)

(party prep is in full swing! I love that she comes up with
all the plans herself and I just help her tweak things as needed.
then she makes one invitation, I snap a pic, and she texts it to her
friends and cousins that she wants to invite. easy peasy!)

Every other round up here (whew!):
2022: AprMar | Feb | Jan
2021: Dec | Nov | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2020: Dec | Nov | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Quar + Mar | Feb | Jan
2019: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2018: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June

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